Urgently need O - negative blood donor
Assalam-o-Alaikum Everybody,
I urgently require 6 "O-" blood donors for my father's heart by-pass surgery. My father's blood group is O- and he can only receive O- blood. The blood bank also does not have O- blood, so please who ever is eligible and willing to donate blood for my father can contact on these numbers (77025844, 55526340) as soon as possible.
Mr. Haider
Well thanks for talkign today morning.I m sincerely looking forward for Wednesday or thursday morning Call of urs.I hope I will pass the medical test to donate the blood...Best of luck to u..
To Qatar Living Community Members,
I am very thankful to all of you for showing great concern for my father and for helping me and my family in the search for donors.
I am very thankful to those people who have contacted us and have promised us for their donation.
I am very thankful to those people who wanted to donate blood but due to some reason couldn't.
I am very thankful to those people who commented on this forum, and also to those who just viewed this forum.
We needed 6 donors but with your assitance, we now have almost 20 people willing to donate. After 2-3 days, we will contact the donors and schedule a suitable time for them to come. My father's surgery is on 21st September. Please pray for his successful surgery and his smooth recovery.
With best regards,
Mr. Haider
OK! Thanks!
Since 'Haifader' has posted is contact numbers, I think you can call him in the morning without any hesitation.... I am sure he will be happy to receive your call.Anyone willing to donate pls. call him or sms him your details...God bless you all for this noble cause.
Caballero de Spain, Contact SPEED
Anyone know the latest status? I would feel strange calling without knowing the latest info.
My prayers are all I can offer as my bloodgroup is different :(
If you are still in need let me know ASAP, I have a way of helping you.
My brother has O-ve blood so please contact him on the below mentioned number33612576
Sorry O+Until I put my glasses on I thought I was O- and was about to call. The + is so small on my ID card that to an old git like me it looked like a -
Nice one LP but he's serious.. Hope everything is well..
I can't say anything positive. He needs O negative!
LincolnPirate, someone is in need and you're showing your grudge as usual rather than saying something encouraging or positive.
There is no cultural awareness of the importance of giving blood - there should be adverts - there are in the other countries and they are very effective
hahahhaha... LP
What is quite worrying (or isn't it) is that they so-called 'richest country' of the world doesn't have enough blood conserves. That's the real fun part! Maybe they thought oil will do?
It is quite a worry that they have run out of O negative. People with this blood group are termed the universal donor as anyone can receive this blood type - which means it not only affects those with that blood group but it is this type that is a fall back when there is none of another type, such as A+
I would love to donate ..but as of now i am in Philippines hope ill be there soon...Allah bless you..all
but my blood type is O+. but do not worry, me and my husband will pray for the successful operation of your father. i will asked my friends in the center tomorrow to pray for him and if its ok i will forward your number to all our employees in the Holding Company and in the Plant in order to search for type O-.
Thanks nowreasonforsmile :')
I hope ur father will be alright.. Pls.give me a call and I will be there on Sunday morning....Dont worry your father is in my prayers always....
Pls...pm me....so that I can give u my number..how much blood u need and can i donate it secretly...
No brother...
can AB+ donate to O-...........
Anyone can take O- blood it is called international donor blood.
I'm not of the same blood group...I hope and pray for your father, May Allah Yashfeehu!
After reading what speed has posted, I am sure you will be successful in getting the required blood group. InshaAllah
I am O+, let me know if i can do anything........
however my blood type is not same as your father'sI pray you find donors soon.
however my blood type is not same as your father'sI pray you find donors soon.
they do exchange???i am B+
Im B- it will help u ?
Dont Worry inshallah your Father will get well soon....
Im a O+ let me know if i can be any help.
Lets hope your dad would get the enough amount of blood for his heart operation to go trough this operation.
hi Selektra,
O+ and O- are different in term of rhesus...
so O+ can't donate to O- :(
They can give blood to anyone except to themselves. It has to be exactly the same blood group (O+ or O-)
all QLVG volunteers on QL and FB. Hopefully you will receive calls from the donors.
May Allah give shefa to your father. Ameen.
I have forwared your message to everyone in my office and via BBM Contacts, I hope someone comes forward.