brown noser

By akoparinto •
I just soo love them.
They know everything
They do everything.
Just be aware that SOMEONE's up there watching you.
This everything surrounds you will vanish
It wont stay with you forever.
dont be crabby.
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…this is your second post on stress with your job and now blame it on someone else. You obviously cannot deal with politics which is in any office - most probably since you may not be qualified/capable or just a plain loser so why don’t you just quit your job – certain members in QL will support you but tomorrow you have to go back to work. All the best.
Suggestion – at your next interview, request for no “brown noser” or whatever around your work environment.
hahaha.. you said it so. I have also here in my office.
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they brownoser make themselves out to seem like the only people doing any work, in reality they’re usually the biggest slackers.When the boss comes anywhere within 500 feet, suddenly the brownoser is running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off to seem busy.Since this is the picture the boss always sees, he assumes the brownoser is always running around at top speed.Brownosers are master manipulators, and you’ll never beat them at their own game or find a superior who’ll believe you.
they make themselves out to seem like the only people doing any work, in reality they’re usually the biggest slackers.When the boss comes anywhere within 500 feet, suddenly the brownoser is running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off to seem busy.Since this is the picture the boss always sees, he assumes the brownoser is always running around at top speed. Brownosers are master manipulators, and you’ll never beat them at their own game or find a superior who’ll believe you.
Uh..ohhh, i understand you. They are everywhere.
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