Working Under Visit Visa
Im a project manager in one of the construction company here in Doha. I recently joined the company and I am still under VISIT VISA in which the company havent converted it yet to working visa. Here's my question:
- Am I allowed to work under visit visa?
- If not allowed and I get caught, what will be the penalty?
- Is there any on the spot check / inpection conducted by the ministry of labor?
technically speaking, you can NOT work on visit visa. it is absolutely illegal. Your company has to secure a Work visa for you, THEN you can start working. It normally takes about a week to issue a Work visa. If the company caught having an employee working without any work permit/visa, the company gets a fine. And yes, there are inspections by the officials from the labour department.
You can work under visit visa but there shuld be some papers under process for you with your company PRO , incase if u are caught on spot to show that it is under process... usually it takes sometime to process the visa so no worries