water filter?

By Kumbayayaye •
Hi guys,I need your opinion about something,is there anybody here using water filter instead of buying drinking water from shop?is the tap water is safe to consume after using water filter?Thanks in advance :)
Have you ever wondered if whole house water purification is really required or is it an overblown concept not really relevant for you? In this article, we will take a look at this method of water purification and whether it's really needed. Let's get started. Purified water
Purefix 6 Stage Reverse Osmosis RO Water Filter (RO-50GPD)
- One time investment – very economical or longer period of use
- 100% Safe, pure & healthy water
- Make the purest drinking water with your own home system
- Helps in protecting you from illness
- Good for baby feeds and children
- Prevents rust & Scale buildup in home appliances.
- Maintaining ideal TDS& PH of water.
- Eco friendly & user friendly.
- Retains essential minerals
- Protect entire family from the hazard of plastic bottles
- Installation free of cost
- Relocation one time free
- Replacement of basic filters on four months’ interval for 1 year
- Warranty & services for one year
- After one-year warranty can be renewed for a nominal investment.
For enquiry contact Call / Whatsapp: 77815224
Dear all i f any one wants water filter or service for water filter please contact. 50131475
Taste of water Panasonic purifier has bitter taste. The purification and taste of water from RO is really excellent. You gonna try this out guys. Our body constitutes 60% water. A clear purified water is very essential, especially for kids.
let me knowur place i will come and meet u.
did i ?
rizks, you violated the guidelines.
Dhaneesh can you pm me and give more details plz ?
sir we are selling water treatment systems in qatar
The water in your homes comes purely from delsalinated water, there is no RO units working in Qatar at this time, the water from these plants is completely safe to drink, it is distilled from seawater and reminralised at the plant, treated with a small amount of chlorine to keep bugs from growing and sent to Doha.
As Doha has only enough resevopirs in summer for about 3 days supply it comes to you very quickly, the only issue of quality maybe is from old lines (not very probable) or from your own tanks (most probable), just check them out, a small film of brown in the bottom is only fine dust, anything else maybe a problem, make sure the top fits snuggly and you will be ok to drink it, dependant on area it can be recommedned to use a standard filter to remove sediments.
To use a samll RO unit in this country is just not required and if you get the balance wrong can be dangerous.
As mentioned before all bottled water made in Qatar is just blended ditileed watter with extra minerals added to enhance the taste, but not required
Hope this helps
i am also using aquaguard water purifier for about past 5years.it works perfectly
i am using a AquaGuard system for about past 6 years and it works perfect and we feel of having a 100% purified drinking water.
thanks for the reply,I'll try and look for the panasonic water purifier.
RO system...
I got mine for 150 riyals from panasonic showroom in Al Wakrah
Hello to all!
Any suggestion of model for panasonic water purifier and its cost...
Thanx in advance
Hello to all!
Any suggestion of model for panasonic water purifier and its cost...
Thanx in advance
I understand, the bottled water which is meant for drinking is essentially desalinated through distillation and then processed with some mineral salts.
Non-drinking water could be a mix of RO, distilled and recycled waste water. In this there could be chances of chemicals ( in very low concentations) which are meant to act as lubricants and anti-corrosion agents during reverse osmosis since these additives are not removed fully by the semi-permeable membrane.
I don't know if consumption of these chemicals could be detrimental to health in the long run. Expert opinion is required.
[[wysiwyg_imageupload:3518:height=92,width=488]]pls check the site www.kent.co.in
We are the sole distributer in Qatar
if u interest call
I use panasonic water purifier
Yes, am using a RO Water purification system close to a year and it works perfect and we feel of having a 100% purified drinking water. Need to change filter every six months. Water from tap is good to drink but due to pipeline and untidy water tanks in your apartment you might need to buy & install a Panasonic water purifier which i think is more enough to purify/fitler your tap water and start use that for drinking purposes. I have the two in my house, where I came in without knowing about Panasonic being installed as part of furnished stuff. It's better you avoid drinking botttled water, they are meant for immediate needs. Good Luck! I have an article about this, let me know your e-mail ID, so to e-mail you that stuff.