Creditcard and bank loan-coming back to Doha
Dear Qlers,
Just need your advise. I have worked 2 years in Doha and left in 2009 with some bankloan around 20,000 (initially took out 35,000) and creditcard payments. When i was leaving my company didnt notify the bank and i managed to go on final exit safely from Qatar.
Now i have a job offer again with the same company.
Question is:
Will there be any problem to get my work visa or during RP? Am i blacklisted? or upon arrival i will be held at the airport??
Offcourse i am willing to payback every penny i owe as i will be on much better offer.
Your comments and suggestions will be appreciated
jjj he didn't get a visa yet...all he got is a job offer from the same company where he'd worked b4
Surprised you even got a visa to come back, surely this would have been noted when they applied for your visa with the authorities
So whats the plan, come another loan and credit card dues and flee again??.. You will be put behind the bars. welcome.
So whats the plan, come another loan and credit card dues and flee again??.. You will be put behind the bars. welcome.
guys like you makes life for us expats harder
As stated by sid2010, the best idea is to contact the bank by e-mail and tell them the story. They will sure prefer their recovery than to put you in jail. Even if they will send you to the jail, there is no use, you dont have money and the court cannot force you to pay if you dont have any source.It is sure they will agree to get some guaranteer and let you pay the money as soon as possible.But the most important is if they already filed a case then I really dont know what they will do, so this is the only solution to contact them by mail. Good luck
simple.............your fault, your debt, your responsibility, you should've up our court, so don't bother coming.
Dear Bro,
My advice is send a mail to bank and explain them that u are willing to pay once u r in doha.Get reply from bank recovery division keep a copy of it while traveling to doha.
In case you got stuck u have a proof that u are in touch with the bank for repayment .
If bank replys to you in positive manner then they have not filed case againts you and u are in safe zone,
Banks are made to make money. Any loss will be recovered one way or another. In this case, your credibility is already tarnished. You already reap what you plant. So, the bank will suck your blood and there will be no more left of you. You pay but it will take years before you can avail any loan.
aren't u scared to go to prison? non payment of loans is a criminal actabandoning loans would put u in a watch list even if ur inside the country. this happened to my friend. but u actually left with out settling ur debts!i'd be surprised if u don't land in jail upon arrival...but as u are willing to pay for your transgression + the massive interestur loan have incurred...u may redeem urself by putting ur plan into reality and clean ur conscience!
Try sending a fake you... just to check the consequence..
Thieving gits like you deserved to be locked up, so yeah, come back and give it a go! That you've even posted this convinces me you are not only a thief, but a stupid one at that. What do you think is going to happen????If no job offer had come through, you'd have had no intention of paying the loan off. That says it all to me.I know for a fact that banks here have tracked down people for unpaid debts in Europe before, but if you're in India as your profile suggests, you may be lucky.Personally, dishonest people like you should not be welcomed back to this country. You made your bed, now lie in it. Hope you end up locked up.Rant over.
ya even i say its a trap..they setting you up
Could it be that your previous employer is setting you up. They are betting that you'll bite at the offer and return to Doha. Once you're back, hello police! and prepare to get your a55 4ucked..LOL
Best bet is to check with the bank or ask your company to do the needful.
After 2008 many sales staff at banks have been terminated, but it does not mean records are lost.
If you have the bank address and details, send them an email and they will respond. If you have so far not been contacted by the bank, most probably they have not raised a complaint with the authorities. Also, if your previous company is bringing you back, they would have applied for your visa. If you have a new visa, means there are no issues raised. You could have a problem only if you are applying for a credit card or loan.
All the best.
Basically if you have left the country without complete settlement of loans and if the amount is greater than just 350 QRS, the bank raises a legal note against your id as well as intimates your company too.Once done, every month-end bank sends a list of clients who have not paid the dues to the QCB, thereby you will become a black-listed customer.Since you say you are joining the same company, contact your HR and find if they have received any notification from the bank.Once done, contact the bank too directly to identify the status - for it varies from bank to bank. Get the loan receovery department number and speak to the manager directly - speaking to just customer service personnel is not the best idea.Further, If the bank accepts to collect the payment (it will be with heavy penalties though), once paid - you need to get a NOC from the bank stating all dues have been settled and their is no pending claims. Take a help of a friend who is locally available to get these done directly - helpes to resolve lot of hazzles and is faster.(Just ensure, he is not the guarantor of your loan - lol...)Dont take chances of entering the country without settling your loans - for its a criminal case that would have been registered from the bank's side.(I work at one of the bank - IT division, from past experience this is how things are happening!!)
come here and know the exact answer;nobody will, exact you
looser, so if you dont get this job then you dont have any intentions of paying? youre no different from a thief...
you might be caught at the airport going back in and jailed! Speak to the bank and tell them you will repay the loan in full before you try to enter Qatar again.
From what I know all loans have insurance coverages in cases that the person declares this to the bank due to reasons such as none financial capacity to pay but this applies to personal loans for credit card debts they should be settled before leaving the country. Since you exited the country without giving notification to the bank this act is a negligence in your part which will be treated as a bad debt and all these are in a database and if you apply for a new loan or credit card surely it will be rejected, as for your immigration concern that is a different story, since you have second thoughts of coming back this means that you really intended to skip your payments and the authorities have every right to hold you liable.
Even if you want to pay back, the 20K will have to be paid back at around 40K due to penalties and late interest
Consult your bank. Hopefully they don't double cross and make an example of you.
The mere fact that you committed this crime should put you behind bars. You stole the money from the bank - what do you expect?
Consult with your bank. They care about the money you owe them more than blacklisting people.