British Police - not good enough

Britain riots: Top cop slams Cameron's decision to seek US crime expert's role
London: Tensions between Britain's government and police leaders flared Saturday over Prime Minister David Cameron's recruitment of a veteran American police commander to advise him on how to combat gangs and prevent a repeat of the past week's riots.
The criticism, led by Association of Chief Police Officers leader Sir Hugh Orde, underscored deep tensions between police and Cameron's coalition government over who was most to blame for the failure to stop the four-day rioting that raged in parts of London and other English cities until Wednesday.
British police have branded the move misguided and an insult to their professionalism.
i think british police is one of the best in the world if they start using too much violence it will end up like all other countries that have riots! people will get tired eventually!!
VOTE BANK is? Are these "criminals" voters?
I don't think there's any problems with the British Police, however I do think it's a good move to seek advice from others who have been dealing with youth gang violence longer.
Nicely Put Mr Britexpat. Afterall Scotland yard is one of the oldest and most recognise/respected Police institution of the world.
The Police are good enough. Their hands are tied by the PC brigade and politicians who worry more about the vote bank.
Must be another one reason why they are trying to get an american police commander from the USA to teach the British how to go about with their job in a more prefessional and effective way
British Police are so " civilized & cultured" to deal with riots. This was a wake up call that the "Spring revolution" knows no boundaries or race. Poor and uneducated people are every where on earth ,Britain included.What is the difference b/w looting in Africa,Asia,America & Europe? NONE.
Blank stare from me - not sure where we are going with this thread. Its disappointing to note that on the same day in QL we have Pilgram offering up a very useful debate on chastising kids and at the other end of the spectrum we get this cut and paste from the appalling British press which as jjj has rightly said has sod all to do with anybody here. Feel free to jump in here Joe and offer up something by way of explanation.
For your ongoing information I guess!!
Actually, British metropolitan police have an austerity. They have never used any kind of arm against the public and public appreciated them for their stance. but now the situation is different, its worse than ever. LA police dept. chief offered David Cameroon his help to get rid of this situation. He is well expreienced in street crimes specially to deal with gangsters. He worked in LA, Boston and Newyork city. But the British Police chief has expressed that the way they deal with public iz not the way we treated our peolple for long time. They used to use plastic bullets, different gases and other stuff. So, lets see what they will do to stop these gangsters.
what's your point and what has it got to do with Qatar Living?