RP processing for a housemaid

Hello fellow QL'ers
I found a lady whom I would like to sponsor to be my housemaid. We have the NOC from my husbands' employers and now need to proceed with getting approval from the 'powers that be', whatever the next step is. Can anybody help with the procedures? What documents do we need from our side apart from my husbands' employers' NOC to sponsor a maid and salary certificate? Any honest 'Mandoob' around to help for a fee? Don't try and rip me off because I do know the costs!
Thanks in advance :)
Thank you :)
Apply first for a maid's visa at Immigration using the form below:
ARABIC :http://www.moi.gov.qa/site/arabic/departments/PassportDept/resources/2008/02/03_6129.pdf
Form must be filled-up in arabic
Submit the form together with other supporting documents at Building 3
Other documents required as per my experience are:
Salary Certificate / Letter from Company /Sponsor (both husband and wife)
RP and Passport copies (husband, wife and kids)
Copy of Marriage Certificate
6 months Bank Statement
Once all documents are submitted, they will issue you a receipt to check after 3 days whether visa application is approve or not.
You need to go to the imigration department and apply for a maids visa.
Ok so what I need to know is what to do about the approval and where to go to get the approval?
Thanks :)
Hi!First you have to have an approval of the same nationality for your maid.once you have the approval just go to the immigration and submit all documents. You dont require a mandoop to do it