Help needed regarding offered job in Qatar

I would be thankful if someone gave me some advice on a job offer I just got.
The position is Nursery Director, located in Doha.
I am from Serbia and I truly respect the country and the culture. I studied Arabic language and I would really like to spend some time living in Qatar and to get the real perspective about the country, people and the language itself.
Well, I got this job offer- and it sounds just fine to me (the money is not that important, as the opportunity to experience everything mentioned). I applied through HR agency, and I got the Employment Offer and the Employment Agreement attached. I need some advice- do I have to demand some kind of Contract (Employment/Service Contract) before signing the Employment Agreement and could I negotiate on the terms. (For instance, I think that they told me the accommodation is included on site of Nursery, and it isn't mentioned in the Agreement).
Thank you very much for your time and help.
I hope I will visit your country soon,
They provided me an offer letter stating all those things. I am still trying to make up my mind. Anyway, advice from all of you helped me a lot.
If they cannot or will not provide an offer letter detailing salary, specifics about accomodation , medical. annual tickets, etc. - just cut them loose, they are either extremely disorganized or do not know what they are doing, probably a combination, and neither are attractive in an employer. Take the job in Serbia.
I might accept the offer only if I am provided Accommodation, (transportation is included in this Agreement). This opportunity came unexpected and I felt excited because I would finally spend some time in the country about which culture I was studying on university. I am not sure I will keep on trying to find a job in Qatar, because I have an offer here, in Serbia, that I have to accept as soon as possible,Thanks a lot, anyway. All the best.
I will try with Yellow pages. I don't have any experience in this position, although I have significant in managerial and education. That's why the offer sounded reasonable to me (low salary..) But, the agency is keep on sending me the Agreement without stating Accommodation provided, with all those mistakes.. So, do you think that I could manage with 1000 USD- in case they DO confirm I have accommodation, transportation, annual ticket..
Yup, without accomodation and transportation it will be difficult.. Like ur salary will make almost 3600 rayal per month, and I can say its not a good salary at first, and if they are not giving accomodation tjen, its worse for such position.. Think abt it..
Try to get some good package, if not this time u can get other in futher,
I will try with Yellow pages. I don't have any experience in this position, although I have significant in managerial and education. That's why the offer sounded reasonable to me (low salary..) But, the agency is keep on sending me the Agreement without stating Accommodation provided, with all those mistakes.. So, do you think that I could manage with 1000 USD- in case they DO confirm I have accommodation, transportation, annual ticket..
Qatar yellow pages, check it, or qatar companies, u. An find there at least the name, or else get the contact number of company from the HR, and contact them
If they are giving you accomodation, transport, then the package is nothing, if u have some previous experience..
Else they are charging you any processing fee or not I mean the company in qatar?
Al Khor is away from the capital. Try to negotiate for salary at least that you can spend ur own time better.. 1000 dollors mean 3600 Rayal.
About the law, I studied it as soon as I got the offer. Although, I am driven by wish to live in Qatar, (at least for some time)- there are a few inconsistencies in my communication with the agency that I am seriously thinking of refusing the offer. I insisted on having some terms in written, before signing- that I will be provided accommodation by the employer; that I have the address of the Nursery- they keep on saying that it is Al Khor (I knew that from the advertisement); the logo of the company is missing a letter *Iternational* (really?!) but the stamp of the company is regular and the salary is 1000 USD per month, without food (I am provided with the kitchen in the apartment inside of the nursery- the Nursery is brand new- it is in construction phase). As I said, the money is not that important, but I have to be able to support myself while living in Qatar and I was hoping I could enroll some course in Arabic, but all of this is really confusing to me.Could anyone tell me if there is a way to check the employer or the agency other than by surfing the web (I really tried)?Thank you all, again, for making an effort to help me make a right decision.
Zaz, Agreement that you received now is actually an offer letter. You will be signing the employment contract once you are in Qatar and have completed all formalities such as your medical checkup, residence permit etc. If you want to negotiate the terms, you should do it now and if they agree, get the revised offer letter. You should certainly ask them to specify that they will be providing you accommodation. You can find a copy of Qatar labour law online, go through that, you will find answers to many questions you might have in mind.
Ofcourse, I was reffering to communication with Qatari children in the Nursery.Thanks, anyway for clearing it out.
You don't get your contract to sign until you actually arrive and pass all the health checks. The letter you have should specify accomodation provided (or allowance), tickets, health, salary, work terms and conditions - and reputable companies will provide a contract (after the health check) that match the letter. The contract isn't offered at this time because if you don't pass security and health checks you won't get a work visa and will have to leave Qatar.If you think you're going to be interacting socially on a regular basis with Qataris, you're mistaken - most Qatari families keep to themselves and their social group, however, if you are in charge of a nursery with Qatari children in attendance, you may have more opportunities to do so than most expats do.If you feel the need to negotiate, do it now, you won't be able to do so when the contract is presented after you arrive.
Thank you very much for answering so quickly.Unfortunately- there is no Qatar Embassy in my country. I was hoping that I will check everything out that way, but I ended up relying on the will of good people and their advice:)If you have the time and the will-I would like to ask you:Do I have to sign the contract or this Employment Agreement has the same validity by Qatar Labour Law? Is it safe to sign the agreement (and not contract) and sending a passport copy for processing visa?How do I make sure that theEmployment Agreement is irrevocable?Finally- if you know the institution/department whom I could contact for some advice regarding this issue, you sho-uldn't bother to answer those questions. Thank you again for your time and patience. It was really helpful to me.All the best,Z.
hi. in a contract, there is a thing called "rider." perhaps, your accomodation is under that.
The offer seems to be good, just make sure that compensation, benefits, accommodation, etc. are well defined in the employment agreement or letter offer and are irrevocable. Check too with the Qatar embassy in your country regarding the school. If everything in place, welcome to Qatar where working and living is worth your while!
This is a great website. There is a search box above. Just type the subject you're interested in and you can sift through the answers.
See ya soon!