for the love of celphone,man stuck in manhole

Walking to a friend’s house, Jared Medeiros was set upon by a group of men who left him battered and bruised.
And, adding insult to injury, his mobile was then chucked through a manhole cover by the attackers.
But the 21-year-old refused to accept the phone was gone and decided it would be a good idea to stick his head down the drain to retrieve it and call police.
It was not a good idea. He became stuck fast – and the alarm was raised only after he had been in there screaming for about 40 minutes.
‘I was concerned but I was also laughing – it was funny!’ said Brianna Mooney, 16, who raised the alarm.
Mr Medeiros was freed by firefighters, who spent hours trying to pull him out.
He said he had been beaten and kicked by four men.
‘My head was split open and I was bleeding,’ he added.
‘I felt blood from my head and I started shaking, so I went for my cell.’
Photos of his predicament were made public by police in Ceres, California.
‘I don’t understand why they would sit and take pictures,’ said Mr Medeiros. ‘That kind of p****s me off.’
yeah..i really pity him...just imagine of we was not rescued on time..he might get suffocated or worst die..
well, at least the hole stood for its name, MAN-HOLE....
I truly pity the guy..not only was he beaten up but had his ego take a beating too by all the publicity and publishing the pics..Not right IMO!
Oh, this is awfully sad :(
yfon, if you have read what i have posted yesterday..about a british schoolboy who killed his girlfriend just for a free breakfast here;
In most poor countries people are being killed just because of their cellphones including my country.its shamefull.
this guy is alive.if it happens to me ill do exactly what he,ve done.
Geecleft - Yeah it's true and that boy even hid the body of the poor child..
good thing he's still alive.
geecleft..yeah it is..saw it one news as well..
hahaha... LOL... PrincessSarah - WTF... is that true? a 9y/o killed his classmate bcoz of envy?
It's believable for me based on what people are capable of doing nowadays..Some risk their lives..Some kill..Some steal..So sticking his body down the manhole is not a big deal..what im worried about is the trouble he got in for doing that..:) means that people are getting weirder and weirder and weirder as the years pass by..the news today is either hillarious, maddening if not unbelievable..hmm..
So what about a 9 y/o boy killing his classmate bec.he got envy when he saw his classmate's cellphone?
SS - that's why i ahve the guts to say that i'll do the same..;)
Osama - We dont have any idea what people could do to have what they want..some kill for it.
this is nothing comparing with the chinese guy who has sold his kidney for the love of cellphone
ps..lemme remind you that (i think) there's no dran manhole here ( or is it).. lol
I would do the same
According to some reports - He told officers he was trying to retrieve some personal items that had fallen into the drain. After pulling Medeiros out, officers found his keys, cell phone and cash in the drain.
thts unblvable