What are the chances of getting employment during Ramadan?

I was just wondering...is there anyone that would know from previous experience if a person wants to come to Qatar at the beginning of Ramadan, would there be any opportunities to find a financial job for example, or get an interview during this holy month? Some are saying its the wrong time to try, as working hours are reduced and some companies are not even hiring. Also, if they cannot find anything during that month, they cant come back for another three? Would it be a good idea to try, or should they wait until Ramadan is over? I will appreciate your past experiences and thoughts on this. Also, if anyone is knowing about any company that recruit for Banking jobs, please let me know? Thanks!
the chances are low... business is slow and quiet at that time.., bosses are out of the country., office hours are shorten, besides its freaking hot outside, he might feel lazy to go out to pass his resume.
It is better to come here after Ramadan :) There is a minimal chance to get a job during Ramadan period because of the shorten working hours and most of the managers ( e,g. western/europeans) are out of Doha...and like what u said.. there is less job opening during Holy Month.
This person has tried for several weeks to find anything online but unsuccessful so far..therefore he was planning to come on visit and try in person..only problem is the visit visa is only valid for a month..
Why not just apply from your home country and save a lot of hassle.