For Safe Driving

I found this on the web enjoy,
10 Tips to Prevent Car Accidents
- Avoid drinking and driving.
- Minimize distractions such as reading newspapers or talking on the cell phone when driving.
- Properly maintain vehicles. Tune up cars according to maintenance schedule, and especially take note monthly of tire condition.
- Do not encourage aggressive drivers. Let other aggressive driving behavior roll off your back, or call the police. Losing your temper could worsen the situation.
- Leave a safe distance between your cars and others. For every 10 miles per hour of speed, leave at least one car length space between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead.
- Maintain a constant speed. Don’t continually slow down or speed up.
- Adjust mirrors properly and check the side and rear-view mirrors every 15 seconds.
- Take defensive driving classes to improve your ability to drive and be better prepared for the unpredictable behavior of other motorists.
- Proceed with great caution through intersections. Intersections are the center of most accidents. When entering an intersection, look left, then right, then left again to ensure the area is clear.
- Be sufficiently aware of road conditions and be more visible. Keep your lights on at dusk and dawn and during rain, as is the law in most states. Understand basic vehicle dynamics, such as knowing how to recover from a skid.
For more information please go to the source:
Actually the main reason is the careless driving, lack of attention, but not alcohol, however on their website the World Health Organization is saying
Action needed to reduce health impact of harmful alcohol use
Health implications
Harmful use of alcohol has many implications on public health.
- Nearly 4% of all deaths are related to alcohol. Most alcohol-related deaths are caused by alcohol result from injuries, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and liver cirrhosis.
- Globally, 6.2% of all male deaths are related to alcohol, compared to 1.1% of female deaths. One-in-five men in the Russian Federation and neighbouring countries die due to alcohol-related causes.
- Globally, 320 000 young people aged 15-29 years die annually, from alcohol-related causes, resulting in 9% of all deaths in that age group.
Too few countries use effective policy options to prevent death, disease and injury from alcohol use. From 1999, when WHO first began to report on alcohol policies, at least 34 countries have adopted some type of formal policies to reduce harmful use of alcohol. Restrictions on alcohol marketing and on drink–driving have increased, but there are no clear trends on most preventive measures. Many countries have weak alcohol policies and prevention programmes.
Full article is in the link:
rofl - thank you - excellent.You make my days :-)
Ermm....... you can't change the mentality of nutters whom are reckless and careless.I think I would rather trust a load of drunks than the selfish attitudes displayed on arab roads.
I will. I'm going to get into a taxi and go for a beer or twenty. :o)
please check your Inbox.
Oh, and based on the OP, only half your advice was on safe driving. :/
You should try alcohol once in a while. Here, read this:
Because I am already drinker of water and coffee, but not alcohol and my aim to give advices for safe driving.
Everything which is beyond its limits turns negatively with no advantages, we always try to have some kind of balance, this balance is every ones need, because we as people all are walking in one line, and this line is the line of life, no matter what you believe but do not hurt others or spoil others, let your aim be to nurture the good values and habbits, and avoid the bad habbits and values which destroys communities.
Just what I neen on a Thursday afternoon.... a good sermon
oh my bad ! i need to change my words then Straight Arrow believe me u can never bend a pointers tail
Pointers have very straight tails!
Straight Arrow believe me u can never straighten a dogs tail , TFS for ur post
The only thing I can say read it again and again if it is difficult for you to understand.
Your safe distance is always going to be taken by a "flashing" LC or bigger/faster vehicle. Barely yesterday while transiting on the new secion of the E ring a BMW was at my back almost bumping me like trying to ride over me...just bear in mind the speed limit is 100 kph and I was already there!!
Lane changing is not announced so be careful
Talking on the phone actually increases the odss of an accident by 400% (seems like here that's what people live up to defy destiny/faith)
Not only intersections; particularly here Roundabaouts are kinda crazy either to enter or to exit from them
I drive with full awareness of the road I am in; nevertheless other drivers just think nothing is gonna happen thus they become defyiant to rules and also to other drivers.
BTW, read these, maybe I can convert you into a drinker:,,20410314,00.html:o)
Ah, so this is really a don't drink thread. SA, Get a frickin life will you.