Saudi women beating up hubbies

According to Jeddah police reports, on an average, 145 wives beat their husbands in a month, constituting 20 percent of the annual rates of domestic violence.Wives only go for physical violence when they reach a state of explosion and can no longer control themselves, said Fathiyyah Al-Qurashi, member of the Saudi Human Rights Commission.
She was speaking to Arab News about reports concerning the growing number of wives beating husbands
Before the women start hiring male maid's so that they can rape and beat them also!
In Saudi women needs her husbands permission even to go to the toilet! So in order to beat up the husband the wife definitely needs the husbands permission!
So I wonder how a Saudi wife asks for that permissio..."Darling...may I now bash you up...and fracture your limbs please?"
Ans: "Yes dear!" But first let me change into something more comfortable please"
"'Wife submit yourselves unto your own husband " meaning not to the extend they will do everything they want to do, as if they dont respect there wife what they like and dont...abusing ; hurting physical is not acceptable .. " RESPECT THE WOMEN FOR THEY INTEND TO BE LOVE"
I hope it is a trend sweeping through the ME, would love to hear more reports of this! as i said Go Girls!! :0P
LOL LIS! Go girls - where? To Saudi? ;P
Compared to the men beating the women unfortunately! go girls!!
I would be beheaded a million times by now as I always greet my friends with cheek kisses, no matter if male or female!
I am sure GP has not lived in Saudi yet judging by his comments.
Well after they are done with the beatings, abusing and bashing the maids, I suppose its the next logical step to move on in the cycle of events.
HeheheIs there a credible news source for this?
ghetto Panther, with all due respect, i lived in Saudi. I HAD to cover my hair, unless I wanted to get heckled by the Haya and be put into jail.No woman in Saudi is allowed to speak with a man not related to her when in public...that includes expats.Women have to ask permission from their husbands/fathers/brothers to work, to open a bank account ,to get a chip for the mobile....and so on and so forth. Just so you know a few real facts. :)
That anyone would excuse marital abuse. Like I said before when it comes to being "provoked" then even a man who beats his wife will claim "she had it coming"Anyone who finds it acceptable for a wife to beat her husband would they also then excuse a man under "certain" circumstances to beat his wife?Also this is pure assumption that the women who beat their husbands in Saudi were among the oppressed. How do we know that?for all we know they maybe the ones who's hubby's actually give in to them. For the very fact that they were able to actually physically abuse their men proves they were certainly not weak lil lambs!No...its wrong.Spouse abuse can never be excused for a man or a woman. and for children to see their mothers beat up their dads and/or vice versa the sight is soul me!!
Well the women in saudi Arabia get the same education men get and are paid the same salary as their colleagues they also get the same right to working and building a career for themsleves in whatever field they have chosen and although those women have become bread winners just like their husbands it's still man's duty in Saudi Arabia to look after his woman and supply her needs . Saudi Arabia might be a conservative country, but it doesn't mean they are oppressed. thirdy: Yes if you go to Saudi Arabia you will have to follow the conutry's laws which is usually for the women ( dressing in loose fittin clothing or puttin on a coat/Abayah/cloack) but you don't have to cover your head and if you ever watched the BBC or CNN female reporters from Saudi Arabia you will know what i'm talking about. if you don't like it then don't go there in the first place ^_*_______________________________________________________Mod's note:Do not create topics or posts that criticise, bully or insult other Qatar Living members, and do not flame (e.g. provoke other Qatar Living member into arguments) ________________________________________________________
Well said ss - that's exactly what I mean. Not allowed to drive is one of the things. Walk behind the man. Cover up whether they want to or not. Hell - I have to cover up to drive through Saudi - or shall I say for my husband to drive us through Saudi, to be more specific?
Keep it up ladies - just shows that slowly but surely: What comes around, goes around!
at least saudi women knows now to fight for their rights..i'm not saying that beating someone is a right thing to give vent to one's anger but maybe, just maybe these women was push up to beyond their limits that they cannot control their exasperation that they beat the hell out of their effin' husband..i'm so used to hear stories that saudi womens are deprive of so many rights that we, (normal) women're always under the mercy of your husband..and this news come to me as surprise..guys, forgive me for saying this but "mabrook ladies"..keep it up ;)
what are the things a Saudi woman is prohibted from doing? and when you say oppression how do u mean exactly? 'd love u to elbarote on that a bit more
Good to know some Saudi women are beating their men! They deserve better with all the opression and prohibitions they have to endure. Keep it up ladies ;)))
wifey beating me up......hmmmmm i dunno but i think its more of an aphrodisiac for me........ common wifey gimme ur best shot...... ;-)
Spousal abuse is wrong whatever the circumstances. It's most wrong, because, as Pilgram pointed out, it is passed down to the children.
I believe I sad that women abusers probably grew up in an abusive environment, same as abusive men.
Do you think one of the reason why women become abusive is the fact that they grow up in a family where one is abuser? I don't think that women abuser just imitate their mother, it can also be their father. It can be the way that they are brought up. Maybe they are already abusing their parents, nanny or even their teacher. It's not an attitude you just learned overnight, it takes a process to be an abusers.I don't know, but I think it's the right time for everyone to be informed. Abusers are not only men but also women and most of it ends in domestic violence.
its mainly due to age factor and also huge difference in how they treat each other. for instance the man prefers to fly to his preferred destination with his friends or partners and the woman the same. they dont live together, travel together, enjoy life together. so it ends up in beating and bashing and name calling
Give me a break Brit. I do enough google searches for Straight Arrow, I can't do them for everyone else. :PAlthough I must point out:"Assistant Commissioner Mark Murdoch says there's no definitive explanation for the increasing number of women being prosecuted for domestic violence offences."So likely it's just that more men are reporting it.
I agree completely with Pilgram.
This can be a conspiracy to hide the abuse women are subjected to.
But we can never detract the fact that sometimes people are left with no choice but to fight..reality..
Abuse will always be abuse..whatever the reasons are..There are no gray areas..Only balck and white..
I don't believe that physical abuse is acceptable at any level.. BUT it happens ..
Why is physical abuse accepted at any level? Whether it's a man beating a women or vise versa? Words are much more effective and powerful. Communication is the key to a happy marriage and unless we teach our children how to communicate with the opposite sex and be sensitive to each other, the physical exchange won't stop. Personally I think physical abuse is appalling and shows a sure sign of ignorance on the part of the beater!! Do we know what the word civilized means??
You can google just as well as I :O)
But here's one:
Care to post these articles Brit?
I would beg to differ. If you read various articles, there is definitely a marked increase due to various factors .
TC not qatars but QL's favorite topic these dayz....:)
You are a human being. You have rights inherent in that reality. You have dignity and worth that exists prior to law " Lyn Beth Neylon"
saudi is definetly the qatars favourite topic.
Brit - it's not an increase,these things happened before but it's just nowadays that people are no longer afraid to report any violence..I even think that beatings were worst before compared to the beatings now bec.people now are fighting for their rights..
I don't think there's an actual increase Brit, it's just that more people are reporting it now.
There seems to be a worldwide increase in domestic violence towards husbands.
The figures are probably on the low side, since many husbands would not admit to being beaten by their wife.
Vegas - You are right,even verbal abuse shouldn't be a reason to beat someone,but people do hit the ground when they ran out of patience..Of course you know how much it hurts to be emotionally beaten up rather than physically..
I can most defintely blame these women. Regardless of the "excuses" there is no reason for violence.
Pilgram - Yes,they have reasons but usually it's not even valid to beat even a cat.. people will always find excuses and reasons of their violence to defend their selves. I can't blame these women if they did this bec.they're dying bec.of their husbands..but for doing this without any valid reason then the problem is in their mind set and the influences while they are grwoing up.
Agree with jakul89... your right dude... +10 for this... ^_^ V
living relationship is much betta this story scares me down lol
well, better them got the beating and not those poor and helpless qadamas/domestic helpers... :)
People being violent is sometimes due to influences,what they used to see while they are growing up..I neighbor of mine back home,grew up in a family where violence seem to be a common thing in their daily lives and he turned up to be violent himself when he got married...No wonder if these women are violent due to exposure of not having equal rights and they used to see people "rawr"..
Or even verbal abuse...
PS there is no reason or excuse for abuse. And most times the abuser doesn't have a valid reason for the abuse. Unless "you looked at me funny" or "I don't want peas for dinner" is a valid reason to beat the snot out of someone in your eyes.
Since there are two sides of a coin, Violence will be violence whatever the reasons are,but i guess no one will beat someone esp.their husbands just because of nothing. there will always be reasons behind every action..but to be fair,we bleed from the same veins therefore we are equal.. whether it's the wife who beat the husband or the husband beat the wife,they have the same rights,so what difference would it make between u beating me and me beating u? We are all equal..
Me thinks that if the husbands are reporting the abuse that they aren't abusers themselves. Some women are just violent. More than likely they grew up with there mothers treating their fathers the same way and think that it's appropriate.
I don't agree with beating their husbands but if in any case,you have no other choice but to defend yourself bec.of not being treated well then beating is possible..This is bec.of arranged marriages which usually composed of a young wife and a very much older husband..In this case husbands are inclined to be very dominating which i think is the cause why these women turn into predators.. Obviously,if their own husbands are not giving them the respect that they deserve and treat them as objects that they bought when they married them and gave them dowry..then i guess it's rightful to fight back though i believe that violence of any kind is this situation it's more on a self-defense kind of thing..Women should know how to throw the boomerang back when necessary..and there's a quote that states that "Women are like teabags,you'll never know how strong they are unless they're put in a hot water.."
If one choses to stay in an unhappy marriage and then becomes abusive its very very sad not only for the couple in question but for their kids and loved ones too. Many people sympathize with abused wives but when the victim is the husband he is met more with suspicion("he must have provoked her") and contempt("Is he a man?"). This is not right. No one should abuse anyone and just as a wife beater is trialled so should the abusive wives! after all a man who beats up his wife might also say he was provoked and oppressed etc. he too will have "his side" to the story.And I know of couples, very very close to me, who got married by choice and still turned abusive with the wives being the more vicious abusers!
I agree with ghetto-panther... very well said...with all due respect but i disagree with this kind of tradition like selling your own daughter and having a fixed marriage/arrange marriage...maybe for some it will work...but in my opinion I think every person have the rights to choose who she/he wants to stay for the rest of her/his life...
that says it all
wear wife beeter t shirts under the cloth???
any Idea, if these women will get the right to drive ?
Now is that "revenge" or is that "justice"?
As a matter of fact, the statistics revealed in the news story are extremely alarming and scandalous that one can’t turn a blind eye to. But the question urgently raised here is : What makes these innocent lambs turn to predators? In my opinion, one main factor is lack of harmony and respect between the spouses mainly characterized by large difference in age. Naturally, a teenager woman can’t stand an aged husband’s abuse and mistreatment. Another reason might be forced marriages widely spread nationwide. What on earth do you expect from a teenager girl to behave as long as she feels like being sold to a prosperous old man for SR100,ooo? Unfair polygamy, furthermore, might cause women to be violent and uncontrollable. Unsurprisingly, pious and devout women must feel being insulted and humiliated once they, all of a sudden and coincidently, know that their loyal husbands got married without having a logical reason but to satisfy their desires.