Cedars Tuition center

For anyone thinking of sending their children to Cedars,think again!Especially if they are going to secondary school.Their primary school for the younger ones seems to be in better shape,but the secondary school is really bad!I enlisted my then 12-year old son in April last year.It took several e-mails and phone calls to get info regarding when the autumn semester was about to start,breaks etc.I finally got the info required 10 days before the semester started,but really had to drag it out of them.No proper tutorial books sourced,but paper copies!The last two weeks before christmas,all efforts were put into a christmas show for the young kids,while the older ones were totally neglected.If you approach them as a parent,they keep you at arms length,and don´t seem to want to have anyhing to do with you except your money of course.When my boy left,there were three students left in year 7-9.There were two good teachers for the older kids.An excellent math teacher and a very good business teacher,but the latter was allegedly fired because she brought fast food to the children one day for a special celebration!!!Fired by the principal who runs the place in an extremely authoritarian style to compensate for her apparent lack of natural authority and poor personality!I have no idea who owns this sad outfit,but if I were the owner I would be worried,since the current management seems to do the best they can to get rid of their students!Steer clear!
Joachim Wallin
If you went there - it must do :-)Cedars is fine - they are like any other school over here - they have to make money.It delivers an average education to most. It is a stop gap - it is better kids are there than not at school at all.
the school that i mentioned....sucks....sources: me, i hardly managed to pass year 12. thing is, schools dont have gd teachers for seniors
the school that i mentioned....sucks....sources: me, i hardly managed to pass year 12. thing is, schools dont have gd teachers for seniors
I believe it is run and owned by a British lady.