Philippne Azakals vs Sri Lanka (4 -0)

The Philippine Azkals did a great job on their match with Sri Lanka at Rizal Memorial Football Field.
The Philippine Azkals did a great job on their match with Sri Lanka at Rizal Memorial Football Field.
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They are either lacking in education or so full of themselves that they very feel so influential just by posting veiled and irrelevant words. Best thing to do is ignore them. Coz they are fueled by attention. Good luck AZKALS, you make us proud. Mabuhay ang pinas!
The second round of 2014 FIFA world cup qualifying match of Philippines versus Kuwait.The first leg will be on July 23 in Kuwait. And the second leg will in the Philippines on July 28.
wo wo pinoy rocks
Former Sri Lanka skipper Kumar Sangakkara is in hot water after his highly acclaimed lecture at Lord’s, where he criticised what he alleged was a corrupt and politicised cricket administration at home.He said power games among cricket administrators, as well as board politics, had triggered rifts, ill feeling and distrust among key players.§ion=cricket
GeeCleft - I would agree with that and some of this SL guys tend to think once they get themselves in that this is their own private company out here and with their petty and selfish attitudes go on to create a lot of ill will and resentment against themselves with their other colleagues.I suppose POLO9090, certainly had some valid points and must have known the situation inside out. This is Qatar and not SL to do this back stabbing business against your colleagues and to promote your SL brethren at the expense of other employees
that guy really brings out devil inside me... he really cant understand what others trying to explain... "just dont genaralize other nationality" i know other Sri Lankan with different job levels... from driver to project mgr... some of them are really cool, honest and easily to get along with... but some are have really bad attitude like stabbing you at your back... its not about the nationality. i think its how your parent raise you and also with your environment...
Ah, yes, I thought so....bashing after 8 posts. ever so predictable..rofl.
mods have a lot of work to do today ;)
Most BP's are up this time. Guys its a long day of work, why not take a rest/nap or get refresh before QLing.
Most BP's are up this time. Guys its a long day of work, why not take a rest/nap or get refresh before QLing.
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stay out in this forum if you cannot contribute anything good.Now, are you a Filipino or a Nicaraguan? Sorry to ask this for you. PEACE.[Removed! Use English in the main forum! Moderator]
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Just curious, since as far as I know, the Sri-Lankans have always used the nickname "Lions"
though they are always wearing white jerseys during their match with Azkals.
Well done to the Azkals, but why are the Sri Lankans nicknamed The Reds ?
but don't generalize them. i have not experience such horrible person you mentioned.
Azkals made great.. because there are supporters, much funds.. funds.. funds...
unlike other sports in the Philippines do not have such funds and support from the government.
I never expected that a football discussion went to bashing. In fairness, I have SL co-workers and they're one of the most cool person I've ever known. I can testify to that.Good points to steve2umar, fathimah and cabbage.
We all hear the same :-)
I actually hear same or similar stories about other nationalities too.In fact its quite expected,though never right,in offices where an X nationality forms the majority, the minorities complain of discrimination. However that dosen't mean you paint them all with the same brush..generalizing in this manner is never cool!
I have heard that a lot of people do the same - just not Sri Lankans.
What would Sri Lankans say about you?
Is one of the most beautiful countries in the world and the people are lovely.Why bash them?
I think you've stepped into the wrong place for the wrong reason. If you gotta problem with your boss, I give you two options ... either you take him up, one on one to man or you quit your job and stop bickering in public forums. Not being racist??? ya right ..this is your quote "this people are all labourers here in the middle east" For people with this type of mentality who contradict at the blink of an eye, I fear for your progeny, poor generations to come. I guess some people’s brains are divided in two. Left and Right --- the Left has nothing right in it and the right has nothing left in it. Go ahead. Format and reboot, until you see the blue screen of death. Try over and over again and if you fail; I guess you have no hope. What a wonderful defenition for the word "Trash">>>Think twice before you post and start generalizing and taking the joy away from the winners. BDW, well done to Philippne Azakals
no hijacking of post
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Are you being racist? Is that what you assume all Sri Lankans who are successful in the gulf, are?Then you are sadly misinformed. In fact I'm yet to meet even one as you described. And FYI there are plenty of Tamils in SL. In fact I know many of them.Just not any terrorists though, Alhamdullilah!
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srilanka??? is this a country or what??? lol
and the Azkals are now starting to leap the Philippines to football victories. Quite ambitious, isn't it.
And I can see how loud their cheers were... It was really fantastic.Although, the popularity of football is still starting to emerge in the country. And I know the Philippines' football team will become like Japan or Korea in the very near future. Hope......hope...........hopeeeeeeeeee........
Good job and we can look forward to seeing them taking part in the world cup in 2022 if not earlier.
We know that Kuwait team is very strong and have established their team among the strongest team in AFC. But as always, the Filipinos support is very important to the team.
This was a qualifying match for the World Cup 2014 in Brazil
Cant wait to see the next match