Jobless Britons 'lack basic skills

By indigo_res

By ramil26• 4 Jul 2011 06:40
Rating: 4/5



what a nice thread !! beats reading the bad news from the morning paper....

By .sun26872• 4 Jul 2011 06:24
Rating: 2/5
.sun26872 thing you wil hear is a big blast in Switzerland......these swiss creeps should be ashamed of facilitating theft from poor countries............If I had been a Swiss national, I would die of shame if not suicide bomb.

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 21:53

Excellent news :-)

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 19:37
Rating: 2/5

Yes Cabbage- fully agreed, The value might be a little on the lower or higher side but going by todays market rates its going to be a very big treasrue which was sitting idle out there. Besides they still have one more vault which they have not checked yet.

By nomerci• 3 Jul 2011 19:28
Rating: 4/5

Yes, call :0032 66669999 talibanThey have an automatic answering machine,where they will ask you which department it is you wish to speak to.Here are the choices :Recruitment of footsoldiersAspiring suicide bombersExperienced suicide bombere (here it is Ahmed the dead terrorist who will advise you)Weapon smugglingAnd then there are various functions on the umbrella of "general  terrorizing" you have to punch the number according to the department Good luck!

By .sun26872• 3 Jul 2011 18:29
Rating: 4/5

Yesss..........we have found a very big treasure...........but unfortunately, all that treasure will eventually land us into  black Swiss accounts. If I ever decided to become terrorist, first thing I will bomb is Swiss banks..........are their any recruiters?

By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 17:33

Oh look Zeit/Rizzo loses and argument, so he then creates an account just to write obscene things on that thread.  LOL.

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 16:49
Rating: 4/5

frenchie gay kamustaka

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 16:46

Thank you for your potted one sided 'history' lesson - can you please tie this into the OP. Thank you :-)

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 16:38

 The Industrial revolution was mostly  financed by the exploitation of colonies in Asia and other places. so why did the British go to  those   places? umm to help the  poor and feed the poor people over there?  maybe they went there to spread wisdom and education  among the sub-human classes? Or  to steal land and wealth and make propfit?Education , Rialways and a couple of Vectorian Churches were exchanged  for unlimited amounts of gold wealth and dimonds  that were being shipped from the colonies. Education to raise English speaking still sub-humans for administrative works under the British or civil Servants. Africa and China were British Colongies too now why didn't they profit from from English  as india did for example?Railways to transport good ( stolen harvest effectively out of the colonized . Now to call this horrific looting and blundering " positive effects" is  baseless as long as there are much  longer " negative " list. Before the colonial era East Asian nations were one of the majoir econmoies in the world. China  and India  accounted for about 50% of world GDP! and when the British left India poverty was over 50% now it's down by round 25%.The Crimes of Colonial explotation is a dark truth in history that   everybody who was in to  it should accept and not ignore or deny. Africa and  Eas Asia wouldn't need all those " Aid"  packages from England or other nations if the British were to give back  the riches they stole during the colonial era... Maybe start with the Kohi-Noor Dimond on the Queens crown!?!   The reason why the sun never sat on The British Empire is because God doesn't trust the British in the dark . ^_^... 

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 15:07

To quote :- Harikumar also added, "Only after the report is submitted to Supreme Court of India will it become a public document. The Court can then decide to put a value to these precious materials. All the amounts being discussed are now are just the imagination of people."

By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 15:06

I guess that is one way to redistribute the wealth.

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 15:04

It will be interesting to see if he does so :-)

By Xena• 3 Jul 2011 15:00
Rating: 4/5

it'll be caught up in bribes soon enough and looted that nothing will be left...

That is if any of my Indian colleagues are to be believed about how bad things are there;-p

By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 14:38

Careful, Jokky, someone might go back for it.

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 14:35
Rating: 4/5

So much for British Imperialism  - They missed to lay their hands on the belowTHIRUVANANTHAPURAM, India — A huge treasure has been found in a Hindu temple in southern India — gold and silver jewelry, coins and precious stones worth billions of dollars, Indian officials said Saturday.The AFP news agency quoted Kerala Chief Secretary K. Jayakumar as saying the find had been estimated as worth more than $11 billion.

By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 14:31
Rating: 2/5

If that is your wish, Cabbage, then I am sure he will open half a dozen various anti-imperialism, anti-capitalism, anti-literacy, anti-thought threads from which to choose.  You have a great day.  :-)  

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 14:21

I know - that is why I suggested he opens a new forum to discuss his gripes. Then and only then will I discuss this with him. I don't care if he is Australian or not - makes no difference to me. 

By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 14:15
Rating: 5/5

"British Imperialism. No -not the only one, but the most devastating."Care to support that statement, or is supporting an argument just not part of the playbook?  LOL.Cabbage--they're missing your point, because they don't want to see it.  Pointing out the truth makes them feel uncomfortable because it doesn't fit their playbook of victimization.  Of course, Zeitgist is product of imperialism--that is if he is Australian.

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 12:39

As suggested by me - you open a forum and I will debate these issues with you. I look forward to your new forum - in the meantime I will continue with the debate regarding lack of skills in the UK.  

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 12:17

your unwilligness to acknowledge the history of british imperailsm just underscores the point on education stds. There is no room for analysis when arguing from ignorance. 

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 12:07
Rating: 5/5

We are talking about a generation or two who because of an incompetent government missed out on having basic skills taught to them once they left school.   Albaker was pointing out to you how the people your empire once killed and enslaved now are called upon to help the motherland stay a float.   Read more:   I can't remember us invading Poland (most of the imported skill came from Poland) so I can't really see why this is relevant. We are/were not using them as slaves - they came to the UK willingly - worked bloody hard -earned very good money and once they had made it when back home to Europe and fair play to them. A bit like here really :-) Could they be seen as keeping the UK afloat? They certainly did us a great service by filling a small gap in our employment market. I suggest this – if you want to open another forum with regards colonisation and which countries did what – that would be better than hijacking a thread that is basically not about what a lot of countries did a long time ago – but how the UK is dealing with a gap in skills at the moment.

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 11:45
Rating: 5/5

 Yes Cabbage your 100% right Salvery was everybody's busiz back then but Hey no nation back then Excelled  and filled   history pages with horrific slavery hunting expeditions in Africa and the  Indigenous   Auzzie  babes killing in the down under like the white britsher. Like I said my nation is not any better and this is not a world of saints but at least when somebody points my people’s mistakes for me I’m courageous   enough to  prove and accept that it was  wrong ( : and yeh I think this is irrelevant to the main topic of this discussion , but what the HEY! I’m not the only one here going off-track.

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 11:45
Rating: 3/5

dont be shy - call it for what it really was and is - British Imperialism. No -not the only one, but the most devastating.  Albaker was pointing out to you how the people your empire once killed and enslaved now are called upon to help the motherland stay a float. The dismantling of the manufacturing to the shores of cheap labour and slack environmental/safety regulation, the fundamental breakdown in the quality and std of the education system, the importing of low paid workers rather than investing in training and skilling up the workforce and the  and the deliberate dumbing down of the population through zombie consumerism is a common thread amongst all major western nations. 

By Milky_BarKid• 3 Jul 2011 11:37

Albaker, sorry may I ask your true nationality before I reply to you above post?You sound like an Indian to me?

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 11:36
Rating: 4/5

David Frost, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce is just saying the truth as it is and thats the actual situation. Tata said it earlier and now they have their own guy saying the same. But there is a way out, a lot of this guys could be sent out to the Arabian Gulf where they could suddenly end up being managers and CEO's and where they would have the asian guys saying yes  sir and yes sir even if they know that sometimes it is no sir. 

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 11:31
Rating: 4/5

It is indeed funny - I did laugh.I don't know how long we can get away with going off track here - as we are not actually debating the OP - you are now just mocking our 'downfall'; as you see it.Please feel free to carry on though, if that makes you feel better and superior.So 'Britishers' (sic) who colonised were only White Protestant Christians?The British are the ONLY race ever to travel to another country and colonise it? Silly me - I thought at that time in history everybody was doing it.Tell me Albaker how do these 'facts' tie into the debate of the lack of skill mix in the UK at the moment? 

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 11:29

Cabbage it's funny how you reduced my comment in to that small you know  in my  context i was meaning, essentially, referring to white people who are protestant christians. and nope i'm not getting in to any racial ranting here. what i have stated is all fact... the Britshers conqured much of the world and misued it right? they  went to africa and other places and enslaved the people   and converted them in to other religions very often using force in doing so right? and  since the war on terror started they been following the USA like how lil puppies follow their mummy,  right? ( :  if you don't see any of these things it's your problem and oh yes i can  bad-mouth a couple of other nations 2 for doing soo much harm to the world including my own  *_^. peace out

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 11:02
Rating: 5/5

Anglo-Saxon is a term used by historians to designate the Germanic tribes who invaded the south and east of Great Britain beginning in the early 5th century AD, and the period from their creation of the English nation to the Norman Conquest. The Anglo-Saxon Era denotes the period of English history between about 550 and 1066 AD.   The Anglo Saxon period in our history was when we were invaded and colonised :-) If you are going to have a racist rant – get your facts right :-) Thank you.

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 10:57

Poorly skilled Britons are starting to get all the more  visiable. for many years and perhaps centuries the Anglo Saxsons marched the world invading other people's lands and enslaving  the  Indigenous sucking the life and wealth out of those poor nations   to build a Monstrous Empire  with fancy mounuments and jaw-dropping  state of the art buildings. for many years  the Anglo man held his head up so high   ruffling his feathers like some  proud Peacock for being one of the few  best most advanced  in the worlds of politics , education , literature conqust etc. but Hey the  days of the conquring Britisher are over. Shortage of skilled British workers due to the absence of an adequate education and training schemes and poor labor market regulations. This is best displayed in the 2012 Olumpics projects which heavily relied on migrant skilled workers , which has led to strong criticism from trade unions and British workers. Guess this is what GB should get for it's willingness to playing in to the hands of the americans and for accepting to be the tail of The United States Of america.

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 10:53
Rating: 4/5

Can I just explain something to you from my point of view?   This OP is about lack of skills in some young people in the UK. When we talk about skills, what is being commented on is this - in the UK we no longer have apprenticeships.   These lifelong skills became extinct under Labour when Blair decided that everybody was capable of going to University. This was a money making scheme for the Labour government - it made money for them from student loans and reduced/masked the unemployment figures.   Skilled workers were still needed so we then had an influx of workers from European countries.   HOWEVER - this post has very little to do with the qualifications or skill of British people who are given 'high flying jobs' over here.   We still have to prove that the degrees we hold are indeed from the University we say we got them from. In fact I daresay we are put the hoop more than some other countries - we cost more so they invest wisely. Qatar and Britain has a long history of mutual respect and Britain is still regarded by some Qatari’s as a good place to look for people to come and work here. I know there are people from Britain and the West who are perhaps not as qualified as they ought to be – they slipped through the net. However – they are soon rumbled and sent packing. With regards your accusation of inherent racism within British people.There are indeed racists in the UK – just as there are in any country. I would daresay though – Britain is a very tolerant country in the main. You should try and pay a visit and see the vibrant cosmopolitan mixes of races and cultures in all of the major cities. In some areas of the UK whole towns are now dedicated to some cultures. However – this has very little to do with the serious discussion of how the skill mix in Britain has been eroded away and how long it will take for us to get back on track.  

By Xena• 3 Jul 2011 10:36
Rating: 5/5

They are talking about the up-coming generation of young adults.

Most of the Brits in Qatar and older than 30 - so would have been from the previous generation - that were a bit more hard working.

I love these kinds of threads - its just brings out the "non" racists - the ones that cry 'woe is me' when a thread is opened that they might not like!!!

By .sun26872• 3 Jul 2011 10:08
Rating: 4/5

Peace TB...................I was trying to win against Frenchie...................grins....

By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 09:46
Rating: 5/5

Just one name, but parents and a wife of different nationalities--not unlike lots of people around the world.  Fortunately, none of the countries are on anyone's watch list.  :-)"I believe from the bottom of their heart that all humans are equal."  --On that we can entirely agree.  Have a great day.

By .sun26872• 3 Jul 2011 09:43
Rating: 4/5

Your profile sounds like that of a terrorist.......many nationalities...........many passports...........probably many names.

             Frenchie, I don't know about other people, but I have suffered Britishers of Qatar. I wish these people learn to live in 21st century  and believe from the bottom of their heart that all humans are equal.

By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 09:37
Rating: 5/5

Sun--are you saying only people for the UK do this (excluding British citizens who are African, East Asian, Muslim, South Asian and maybe Catholic, Irish and Jewish, of course)?

By .sun26872• 3 Jul 2011 09:35
Rating: 4/5

most sensible thing............people should be paid according to the skill.......and janitor should not get the job of a manager because his nationality is same as that of the director..............and manager should not order around or interfere with the work of people of higher ranks and ability because they are not of the nationality of the director or this janitor turned manager. And if an officer complaints against this janitor turned manager, director should not go out of his way to protect the janitor turnmed manager in front of the Qatari owner. Lastly, neither the post nor the pay can make a janitor earn the respect of  a manager , be it UK, be it Qatar or be it Dubai.................peace

By vivme• 3 Jul 2011 09:24
Rating: 4/5

is not the answer to all threads..The original post is about skills and it is surely not about cheap labour. Just an example from my life, I had 2 job offers; one in the UK where I was in a pay bracket that was significantly higher than Brits of a similar experience, and another one in Qatar where the differences were ridiculous.But, I chose the one in Qatar from a personal perspective because I could save much more money here than I could in the UK. I moved mainly from a financial point of view and I would have probably saved just the same as I would have in India in the UK, perhaps with a better quality of life..In the end, its down to one's choice..

By .sun26872• 3 Jul 2011 09:21
Rating: 3/5

.......let me scratch my head ..........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........yyyyyyyeeeeeeesssssssssssss

By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 09:18

OK.  Then what you are saying is:  excluding British citizens who are African, East Asian, Muslim, South Asian and maybe Catholic, Irish and Jewish, all British people are racist?   :-)

By .sun26872• 3 Jul 2011 09:11
Rating: 4/5

Frenchie, I don't know any jews in person, probably i may come in touch with few in New York hospital, but till then, no comments...........I had a catholic irish friend who used to criticize britishers and Americans like hell, but he jumped on the first plane to America after he finished his graduation from St James in Dublin. So again, I am inconclusive.

By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 08:57

I would count Muslims (who I take it you are excluding from the "all Britishers are racists").  Other religious minorities who are "white" would include the Catholics (particularly the Irish, who have a history of being mistreated in Britain) and Jews.  Should these be excluded from your "all Britishers are racists"?  

By anonymous• 3 Jul 2011 08:56
Rating: 5/5

well as long as  the local guy  is not willing to make it happen, they will just keep on  folking in to the country and in huge numbers too.BTW i know a british  Cafetria Cleric at  X company  she makes 40,000 QR per month for  her expertise in making cup-cakes , muffins , Coffee and English tea /:

By .sun26872• 3 Jul 2011 08:51

Religious minorities such as.................? If you mean moslems........I have personally never met a moslem who will collaborate with other moslems to stick a knife in his friends back who has been helpful to him, but didn't belong to his race.........I can tell you this for sure.......

By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 08:51

Exactly tinker.

By ramil26• 3 Jul 2011 08:49
Rating: 4/5

 ha haha @ rony... well said mate. !!!

By Rony John• 3 Jul 2011 08:39
Rating: 4/5
Rony John

Well said TB, one cant paint all red evaluating one or a handful of people from any nationality. Good and Rotten r everywhere irrespective of their nationality.

With regards to parity in pay scale, ever given a thought y actors r highly paid, be it Hollywood or Bollywood :)

By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 08:39
Rating: 3/5

sun--I am a combination of several nationalities and hold several passports, one of which is French.  Every nationality has racists, and most countries would create an empire to control others if they could.  It just so happens the British were particularly skilled at it for about 150 years.  I'm just trying to figure out who qualifies as a "Britisher" in your view.  So far you have excluded the racial minorities--although many of my Indian friends tell me that British citizens of Indian descent are sometimes very racist towards Indians from India--and I am asking if religious minorities should be excluded as well.

By .sun26872• 3 Jul 2011 08:32
Rating: 5/5

Frenchie..........are you french............are Britishers racist against French..............................oh yes, they are........because that community has developed racism as a systematic strategy to make lots of money with little hard work.........what do you think colonisation was about.........what do you think OP is complainting of.............we are all against lazy British butts sitting on high chairs just because they are too cunning.............resources belong to those who work hard for them......

By HBoss26• 3 Jul 2011 08:22
Rating: 4/5

A lot of Bitter and Jelous People  here as if they think they have the best brain!!! wake up people if you think you have the best ever brain while you keep on complaining that briton has the most of the salary then leave the country and go somewhere else that you may think your brain fits most!

By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 08:21

So you are saying only the white Britons are racist?  What about the Catholic Northern Irish, who are sometimes the victim of discrimination?

By .sun26872• 3 Jul 2011 08:19
Rating: 4/5

Frenchie , the difference between then is that of victim and perperator of racism............but they have chosen Britain, so racism is part of the deal.


By ramil26• 3 Jul 2011 08:13
Rating: 4/5


and i still hope to meet one..

By ramil26• 3 Jul 2011 08:07
Rating: 5/5

sun26872, i tend not to be racist nor do i discriminate because i believe that every individual have their own story. i myself met a lot of british people outside doha. unfortunately, you are 98% correct.

I am not generalizing, i am speaking from my personal experience. I am yet to meet a brit to redeem their image from my experience.


By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 08:06
Rating: 5/5

Indigo--"Now I know who is jealous. You are not a person worth talking. Just go away"LOL.  Jealous of what?  Someone complaining once again that a highly skilled nationality is being overpaid by posting a bashing thread?  Maybe instead of the whining, you should apply yourself at your work and then maybe you'll get that promotion.  Look at my avatar pic and imagine me shooing you away like so many flies.  Sun--what about all the ethnically Indians and Africans who are British citizens?  Are they racist as well?  Or is it just the whites?

By .sun26872• 3 Jul 2011 08:00
Rating: 3/5

Well, he could be a down under underneath british, racist  to the underwears...............yuk

By Milky_BarKid• 3 Jul 2011 07:57

flanostu never knew you were a racist Brit mate..:)

By .sun26872• 3 Jul 2011 07:49
Rating: 5/5

Brits will never be janitors in this country because janitor from Briton come and work on managerial posts here.............I am not against their pay or post......but without fail, each one of them is a, I won't apologize for generalisation.

By indigo_res• 3 Jul 2011 07:46

Now I know who is jealous. You are not a person worth talking. Just go away...

By .sun26872• 3 Jul 2011 07:45
Rating: 4/5

I am retired too...........if you didn't notice 66+..................I am a person of experience.

By Milky_BarKid• 3 Jul 2011 07:45
Rating: 4/5

ramil26Ian duncan Smith also known as IDS is just trying to raise the issue that cheap labour should be stopped by hiring non nationals and jobs should be giving to the home grown. Where as Frost is trying to justify the hiring of cheap labour from abroad.Just like all Brits here will not take a low paid job, same applies back home, where as there are a number of other nationalities that are dying to get here and in the UK by accepting low paid jobs.

By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 07:45

@indigo--by "public" schools do you mean English state schools?  Or do you mean English public schools?

By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 07:43
Rating: 5/5

Indigo said:  "thanks for your worry on my job profile. Do not worry my dear, I am better paid than Brits colleagues of the same level in my company."@indigo--no you're not.  You would not be posting this thread if you were.  And since when were Brits employed as janitors in this country?

By indigo_res• 3 Jul 2011 07:40

@ britexpat… I do agree with you. Current British Educational system (at least the public schools) is archaic and need a major overhaul.

By flanostu• 3 Jul 2011 07:40

back at ya milky.

By ramil26• 3 Jul 2011 07:37
Rating: 4/5

yep, i believe you brit. just what i was thinking..

By indigo_res• 3 Jul 2011 07:37

-a-t-/frenchieman... & thanks for your worry on my job profile. Do not worry my dear, I am better paid than Brits colleagues of the same level in my company.

By Milky_BarKid• 3 Jul 2011 07:36

flan my man was great to see you the other night.. and happy that you have decided to stay.. Need a full drinking session buddy before the summer holidays.oops what was the thread again..:)

By britexpat• 3 Jul 2011 07:35
Rating: 5/5

Its politics and they are both playing to the gallery.

IDS is trying to placate the British workers who feel their jobs are being taken by outsiders. Frost is trying to justify recruitment of cheaper foreign labour whilst pushing the government for educational reform.



By ramil26• 3 Jul 2011 07:34
Rating: 5/5

ArtfulDodger, unfortunately, they are also the ones on the position to do the checking !!! and its such a big bussiness around here that it does not matter whether you got the qualifications or not. And talk about discrimination.... dont get me started... luv u all, have a nice sunday everyone

By flanostu• 3 Jul 2011 07:33
flanostu're indian and unemployed. why are you commenting again?

By indigo_res• 3 Jul 2011 07:28

@frenchieman... You are now questioning, David Frost, the director general of the British Chambers of Commerce, skills to judge British workforce. If he is not competent enough to do that UK got big troubles. These were not my words but of by a prominent Brit.

By ramil26• 3 Jul 2011 07:28

har har har!!!!! Let see where this one goes,and what MOds do with it. :)

By frenchieman• 3 Jul 2011 07:23
Rating: 2/5

Well, they clearly have more skills than the poster of this thread.  I am guessing that a Brit has the job the original poster wants (or wishes he had the skill set to do properly).More jealousy. 

By Milky_BarKid• 3 Jul 2011 07:18

another nationality bashing thread?. I can see sour grapes already..

By .sun26872• 3 Jul 2011 06:49
Rating: 5/5

Employing britons is like buying chinese electronics........promising appearance, poor performance.

By flanostu• 3 Jul 2011 06:26
Rating: 4/5

but they put on a great tennis tournament every year :P

By ArtfulDodger• 3 Jul 2011 04:59
Rating: 5/5

A lady with an NVQ - basic college qualification will come out here and get herself a highflying job !!There needs to be more checks and balances too many people lie and once they do they tell their uneducated friends back home how to do the same and endup with 40000QR jobs.Problem is the Lebonese, Americans, Egyptians and Indians are all at it too !! Qatar needs a spot check vetting service which determines authenticity of experience and qualitifcations - I can provide this service for anyone interested !  

By ek14paul• 2 Jul 2011 23:57
Rating: 2/5

yes they are the future :)

By ek14paul• 2 Jul 2011 23:57
Rating: 3/5

yes they are the future :)

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2011 22:53

Yes we are :-)Why do you think that is?

By indigo_res• 2 Jul 2011 22:33
Rating: 4/5

However they are most welcome here...

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