Creative Destruction Part III
"The most remarkable facet of NATO's war against Libya is the fact that "world opinion," that ever so nebulous thing, has accepted an act of overt military aggression against a sovereign country guilty of no violation of the UN Charter in an act of de facto neo-colonialism, a 'humanitarian' warin violation of basic precepts of the laws of nations. The world has accepted it without realizing the implications if the war against Gaddafi’s Libya is allowed to succeed in forced regime change. At issue is not whether or not Gaddafi is good or evil. At issue is the very concept of the civilized lawof nations and of just or unjust wars..."
By F. William Engdahl, 3 May 2011
Article 13. (UN Charter)(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.Qatar, like many other Gulf countries violates this article (13.2). You cannot leave the country as you wish!When will these countries be kicked out of the UN?
It is very surprising that there are people who honestly believe that the UN Charter of the Human Rights means anything to the powerful states on this earth.