How we can reduce the Size of video ( 34 MB)
By love4ushoaib •
Hi Friends!
Can any one tell me that I want to send a video ( 34MB) through an email but I saw in hotmail & yahoo mail allow Max. 25MB. I uploaded the video also in youtube but it is not opened becuase of copy right blocked the country. plz advice me what I have to do.
You can easily use windows movie maker.Windows movie maker is very easy for vedio editing.You can easily cut your unnecessary seen then you make your reduce vedio..
Works great with 100MB.( 7days limitation)
Reducing the size will also reduce the quality and/or resolution of the video. Try WinAVI converter.
Other way if you cannot compress it, try to upload that file free hosting online then send the link to you recipient.
try one of it.
Good luck...