I am bored

By Elegantlady •
One of my friends said 'It is not bad, neither it is good. If you are intelligent, it is boredom. If you are stupid, you can go on'.
I am bored to death...what should I do? Nothing can keep my interest for long....'What is next'always comes to my mind. Guyz..Any ideas to kill my boredom?
Lick your elbow. Once you complete that task, I will tell you other ways to keep busy.
Reading the books, Listening songs,Watching tv,
A boring thread ;D
when im dead bored....ill talk to someone who annoys me alot....or going out with friends coffee or bar..............or ill go to gym.........i dont feel bored now adays i always keep myself busy..............
you are already 66 and over! nothin can interest u but readin books and gettin wiser :P joke!!! just do ur hobbies, there must be somthing that interest u but u cant remember what is it.
Excellent suggestions but difficult to do..
Fire up your imagination - I have been sitting here thinking why we get fluff in the bellybutton :o)
Talk to other people -sent PMs to FS, FS and FS. No answer yest :O(
Find, read, hear, watch or do something exciting, stimulating and entertaining - Playboy site is blocked :O(
Bored? is only in your mind, because your human...
Do the things that you do not always do to make you busy...
bratinella and what you do when you are Dead Bored ? :)
When im so bored at work i organize my table do some cleaning, and get rid of some old stuff...or...when im at home...i try to cook something new...watch movie....and when im really really bored....I go for shopping !!!!
Koshy mone, stop duplicating ur post -mone !
My good Advice to you
1) I think you are alone always which makes you say this .
2) Hope you are a female than the best thing is to have a lover who will keep you busy always .
3) No lovers in the world will have a compliant like you - just try it and feel the big difference dear .
what an advice! your wife must be really really bored of you!!
My good Advice to you
1) I think you are alone always which makes you say this .
2) Hope you are a female than the best thing is to have a lover who will keep you busy always .
3) No lovers in the world will have a compliant like you - just try it and feel the big difference dear .
Elegantlady, I need 36 hours in a day.
Can you spare some of your time to me?
to know where the boredom come! Consult a doctor!
A great man mentions that there was no word like boredom in the dictionary about 400 years – 600 years ago. Today the children say “I am bored”. Young professionals want to adopt the concept of “weekend getaway”. We need weekend getaways if work is perceived as drudgery and an avoidable aspect of our life. Such a perspective can never get the best from work that modern business management is worried about. What is this boredom? Why does it happen? Because we don’t enjoy what we are doing, we get bored
LMAo Draccy !
Tats a bizzare hole...:)
My posts are alaways related to human behaviour..
Boredom is like merry-go-round. FS...going back to sleep will not help at all..
Touch the hole:
EL will PM you my number...:)
how can someone be bored early in te morning? go back to sleep!!
EL are you done with men's topics? maybe that can get get you going...
yea you can pm me yours
Rude...u want me to jump from roof top?
Though a search on QL would have returned u many ideas and if nothing out of them of ur taste atleast it would have helped u for a while to not get bored. Anyways, some of the links u can go thru ..or a full search link is also there..:)
P.S.: Couldn't be of any help on the thread as I never got or get bored.
A condition characterized by wandering attention, impaired efficiency, and low levels of arousal. It is sometimes confused with fatigue, but boredom usually results from too little stimulation, motivation, and interest. It commonly occurs in those who regularly perform monotonous exercise routines. Unlike fatigue, boredom leads to a lack of desire to exercise, rather than an inability to exercise. Boredom is one of the main reasons why people stop exercising and drop out of sport. It can be avoided if the type and location of exercise is varied, if achievable but challenging targets are set, and if exercise is made more fun.
Can I have your mobile numbers please????
got the mall for window shopping or watch movies.
U may be right..I can try them...but what is next?
QL members too can give me lovely ideas but they will get bored with that soon..:(((
Few tips to kill boredom:-
-Perform an act of community service
-Cook a nice meal
-Watch your favorite movie
-Read A Book
-Make a to-do list of short-term goals
-Clean your closer and drawers
-Load music onto your i-Pod or MP3 player
-Call your friends whom u didnt call for long.
Dracula... is this the thing u do whn u bored.... pity :P
"U kno every act brings boredom?"
Find another partner until the 'act' brings satisfaction.
Oh...dont say that please. Only human is capable of boredom; no other animal is capable of being bored. That’s why hippos are not bored; they look perfectly happy and enjoy doing nothing. They do not complain either...
from roof top
Ok I am not intelligent. U kno every act brings boredom? Tell me how can I kill it?
I don't know Elegantly lady. I think animals get bored too. Ever been to the Doha zoo and seen that poor hippo all by itself?
Only human being is capable of boredom!!!
Ok now Rizku and QL...WHAT IS NEXT?
She's an elegant one, LP :)
You can't be very intelligent, if you get bored easily.
EL how can u be bored when i am around ? :)
Morning lady !
Ideas to kill boredom are :-
QL'ng and