Advice on vehicle Accident please ...

A land cruiser Hit my Vehicle on Backside before Entering the R/A and I got a major damage.
We go to the police and report but the police gave me a paper for garage only, no proper accident report because they are talking arabic and later I found out that the registration of LC is expire since last yr August.
I got 2 estimate from 2 major vehicle dealer and 1 from good garage to give to police, I inform the LC owner regarding the cost and it seems its not acceptable to him the 3 estimate I provide due to high cost. so he invited me to go with Him to the cheapest garage that he know.
1. Do I have the rights to refuse to go with him with the garage he know? since its not my mistake and he have registration expired.
2. Can I insist or push him to choose only with the estimate I provided
3. What is my chance of winning if I open a case if he did not accept or choose with any estimate I provided.
Take note His registration of LC is expire since last yr August so He don't insurance.
I appreciate your serious and professional advice.
Thanks guys for all your advise I appreciate it.
I pray all of you will be safe and free from any accident while traveling on any road in Doha.
If you want your car fixed, go with him and explore that possibility, but you do not have to accept it blindly.
unfair world!
ahhh.... yeah... sorry i thought police came where they encounter an accident :P
Anyway, yah Kemcolian is right, try to speak with policeman - bring someone who can speak arabic to translate....
Read his post. He's saying that he went to the Police, but the guy who caused the accident is not accepting the costs..
Well its ur right Sir to choose But problem is they wont give u favor, 1 at fault is local guy, probably he wud get all favor and support BUT what u can do is, try some other garage which costs lower than the quotations u submitted before. Try to speak with Policeman and ask his favor instead of asking that guy.......
Did u get his plate no.? if yes, then go immediately to police to report the accident.... If ur sure the damaged of ur car is at the back then surely u win :(..... and his registration in expired... goodluck to that guy!!!! If u have the mobile number of the person who hit u then u can give it also to the police.... the're the one who will call that guy! Goooo.... report it immediately to police and please bring someone who knows how to speak arabic.
if u want to repair your car in good garage call me i have good garage with vilue rates 55245144