Want to learn spoke arabic

Can anyone help me in finding a good tutor. I am in a company whose sponcers knows only arabic, so have to approach a translator for asking anything. I know a bit of the language but the way my sponcers speaks,it goes bouncer over my head. Kindly find me a appropriate person who can teach me arabic very fast and after office hours, A genuine request.
i can teach u arabic free of cost via live video chat.
my e-mail is : [email protected]
I never knew abt this Thread. Thanks again
Mr Catalyst, just a spelling mistake doesn't mean that there is problem in english, first improve ur attitude. I asked a genuine help from a genuine person.
First learn English Grammar .. You will need it to learn arabic Fast .. n learning a Language can never be fast .. It needs tym .. Take ur Tym n use Google Translator as Ur tutor ( If only u can read arabic ) .. Its of a great help