does it rock or suck finding a job in Doha?

hey guys,
i am reading some frustrated posters on QL, who are having a hard time to find a job in Qatar. Let me give you a little comfort, the whole world is on a same boat..i have a friend here in VA who was trying to find a job for the last six keep your head up and think alternative ways such as starting your own business. anyhow,i am planning to visit Doha at the end of this month for a family reunion which is taking a place in Doha this year. so, my family suggested there are more opportunities in Doha than US in terms of "PILING-UP CASH---TAX FREE"
can you guys provide me some infos...such us where to apply jobs..or how to get a job in Doha..i have BS on my belt and 7 years experience in Project Management.. thanks in advance,,,,,,samnoor7/-a-t-/
what up sam how it feels getting job in qatar now.
Ohh, I am so lucky, got just 4 months, and still counting...
Try finding a job BEFORE you come. It's a lot less painful!
me too...
It's not tax free for Americans!
I too want to come to Qatar and "Pile up cash".. Where do I begin ?
Though I hope you success in whatever you want to do in Qatar and hope you are making an informed decision to move here...dont wanna see you crib for anything and everything be it food, driving, nightlife, work ethics(cribbing on this one wouldnt be allowed at all as you intend to Pile Up Cash Tax Free by moving here), roads, desert, beaches, malls, clothing, newspapers, news channels etc etc being not as it is back home and last but not the least nutshell you would not expect Qatar to turn into US as soon as you put your feet down or during your stay here and give it the opportunity to grow at its own pace to whatever it wants to grow to...:) All the best.
Well nowadays it's also difficult to find a job in Qatar too and not an easy task. However, since you're in project management, you might be luckier that many other. But my advise is to think of doing you're own business. It's better, and more profitable. Even if you find a job, sometimes its not stable as you would imagine it is.
Good luck
Hawk10..thanks for the input. i really appreciated.
Yes you can find job here if you are lucky, specially in Oil and Gas industries where the salary scale is more higher than the others. You have to read News Papers specially Gulf Times. Job Websites are useless, there are thousands of candidates applying daily and gets no response. As per my 10 years Gulf experience, I never get any response from website, rather than newspaper ads where the companies used to post the immediate requirements.
if you mean you want to come here on a visit visa and look for a job sorry we cannot offer you any help because it is illegal and QL does not allow it - am i right nomerci?
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