Ban on using Kim for target practice
South Korea says it will order its army training units to stop using photographs of North Korea's ruling family for target practice.
Troops have admitted to using the pictures of Kim Jong-il, his youngest son, and the leader's late father as targets during firing drills.
So, whose picture would you use for target practice and WHY ?
I don't practise, I shoot at the real thing point blank.
I'm an excellent shot...sniper is my middle name.:)
Have you got their pictures on the dart board :o)
It a few Qlers that I would to practice on.. One is da RUDE one and the other is da racist one!
and what are those 3 targets may i know so i can be on standby always
Brit..please add Draude also to the list..I will also have three targets..lemme take out my AK47 lol
Who would you use as target practice - Apart from Rizks and I that is :o)
Brit you are sooooo bad!! grrr
Brit. Two oblique targets will be very clear & easy. How about the third one?
I would use Katie Price's picture. Then I could have three clear targets to practice on... :o)
Use your Pic
Rizks Dummy
and MBK statue
for target practice
the last sentence should be posted in 'funnies'.