Badminton Court

By anoopravindran •
Hey, I am new to Doha and staying near Jaidah fly over, am very much interested in playing badminton. Can anyone tell me do we have any court near to Jaidah fly over. I am looking for people too to join me for the play. If interest text me at 33822780.
In fact I played about 4 time at QBC (Qatar Badminton Club) It is near the Doha College and Qatar Football Field at Salwa, we can play there it cost only about 10 QR/Hr and there are a lot of Filipino playing. Schedule of playing is 5:30 PM to 10 PM. Sunday to Thursday only. I can play with you if you like my problem is I don't have any vehicle and I live in Mansoura. So if I will play I need to to hire a taxi or car lift. That's my main problem that is why I sendom play.
Infact i am also new to qatar , being here from last month. I heard that badmintion court is in indian club but they have only two courts (one is for adults and other one is for kids) so who ever comes first they can play and others have to wait untill they finsih.NO POINT IN PAYING THEM 1000 AS DEPOSIT ( NOT REFUNDABLE ) AND 100 EVERY MONTH IF I AM NOT WRONG
If you come to know any other club please let me know.