Spanish Cooking Classes

By spanish_cooking •
Cook up a Spanish fiesta in your kitchen with this fun filled Spanish Cooking Class in Qatar. Tapas, paella, tortilla de patatas, fajitas, gazpacho..
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Fajitas are not Spanish. They originate from Mexico.
Paella??? Mashbous with a Spanish twist :)
1. Only English on the main forum please.
2. Advertising/Promotion should be placed in classifieds.
Thank you.
Hi Aqquib,
Send me a private to [email protected] and let me know for how many people, lunch or dinner, how many dishes.. how long.
I'll send you a cost.
tell us about the total cost....or give ur contact no...
Galloper, en tu casa, cuando nos pongamos de acuerdo.. y depende de la comida, de la gente..
I'll teach you how to make tapas, tortilla de patatas, paella.. in your place with your friends.. and of course after that you'll eat it all!
donde, como, cuando, costo???
What class?