indian visa

hi all,
is it possible that if aguy is under his company sponser and he leave for vacation but his company does not call him bak to Doha for 6 months and his RP gets expired in this case will his visa will get cancelled?? can he come bak to doha thn on other visa???
and if company cancels any1 thn aftr hw many years he can come bak on other visa ???
Plz guide..
Look on the bright side. There are more good things that you can do then waiting for the company to call you back to the gulf. There is more to life then waiting and hoping for something that you would eventually realize was not worth waiting for at all
what if that guy already contacted the
HR and they told him tht wait until we call u bak n in this case his RP gets expired thn wat can he do coz the Co is not clear to him tht they will call him bak or no...
6 Months!!!!!
C'mon by now the company must have reported you as absconding!!! and you know what that means??? Means you could be banned from entering Qatar again dude.
And still you expect the company to call you!!! If I was the manager I would set up a court case against you!!
that's an odd question. what do you mean the company doesn't call you back to Qatar after your holiday? they don't have to call you back - if your leave was agreed for a month, they'd expect you back at work then! if you didn't show up, then they'd probably assume you've resigned. well, a good HR / manager would call you to ask where you are and why not back to work, but I still don't get your problem.
either way, you should've contacted them - it is in your best interest to always stay in touch with your employer while away.
anyway, I'd suggest contacting your HR to ask what your situation is (i.e. whether they've cancelled your RP, if you can get NOC etc).