Experience necessary for NHA License??

Hello guys..I want to take NHA licensure(Nurse) here in Qatar but I dont have any work experience in the Philippines..I'm currently working here now as a nurse in a construction company for almost 1yr..Will NHA allowed me to take licensure here even if I don't have the necessary experience required? Help please..thanks a lot and godbless..
hello guys i want to give NHA examination but now i m in china so can i take from china ?
@ mokz12,you do realize that even if you pass the exam,you can't show your Qatar work experience as the required 2 years experience & if you do make that mistake,you will be "blacklisted" as they call it & will never be allowed to apply for a license in Qatar...as hard as it may be in the Philipines,that is your only option if you ever want to be legally licensed to work in Qatar...or you could continue to work illegally,taking it 1 day @ a time,till you get caught...in which case again,you will be "blacklisted",but to each their own...good luck!...
Thanks for the concern, don't worry i'm very well aware of it that's why i wanted to have nha licensure but the only thing that's keeping me away from it is the required working experience..gaining it back in the philippines is difficult u know dat it's very hard to find a job specially for nurses in the philippines which is why i'm here..Thanks for the reply :)
you can take Prometric exam without experience. My exam's validity is 3 yrs... There are many nurses out there are working without license. Private clinics are very strict on accepting new nurse applicants. Your lucky to practice your profession with license here, but beware my friend... You need to be extra careful bec. that's ILLEGAL
Thanks ecabs..so u mean i can take NHA Exam without the necessary work experience? the validity is 2yrs so it wont be a problem as long as i pass it..getting the NHA license can come later, what i really wanted to know was if I can take the exam or not..anyway it was a lot help thank u..
I think work experience is not a prerequisite for taking the NHA exam that is now handled by Prometric. You can try to schedule the exam online. However, there's no point of taking the exam without the required work experience since it is one of the requirements to get NHA license. Moreover, if you pass the exam, the validity is only for 2 years, otherwise you have to take it again.
That's the reason why I wanna know if I can still take NHA licensure even if I still don't have any working experience in the philippines but currently working here..because when I was hired here I don't think that time it was mandatory so I was hired when they implemented that license here..thanks for replies guys, much appreciated.. :)
You shouldn't be working ANYWHERE in Qatar WITHOUT an NHA license,so continuing in your current job for another year & then showing that to NHA as work experience may not be the best idea because as of now you are working ILLEGALLY!...you need to have minimum 2 years work experience OUTSIDE Qatar before coming here,if you could be employed legally here without an NHA license,what's the point of them conducting the exam???...so if you want to legally work in Qatar,go back to your home country(doesn't matter where as long as you work LEGALLY.),get two years LEGAL work experience then come back here,get your degree,certificates & work experience reviewed by Dataflow,then apply to take the licensure exam...
Another advise; don't take the ILS exam unless you already have a nurse license from NHA because it is useless. It cannot help you get a license even though you've passed it and your money will just be wasted.
You might have a problem getting an NHA license because of lack of experience. Your employer might even be in trouble for employing you even though you don't have a license to work as nurse here in Qatar.
My pleasure
Of course this helps me..so you mean for the meantime I cannot apply for the licensure exam at NHA since i dont have enough work experience? and I can add another year then use it as my work experience to apply NHA exam? thanks again for noticing this..
You must have two years of work experience to apply for the license. You can work for another year and carry on with it. Since you are on company sponsorship I think you can work for another year and then apply.
Hope this helps