Competitions for you guys

By Straight Arrow •
Many people pass through this and I have noticed this situation, many has a small house or a normal car, and when they see a better house or car they got depressed or some kind of questioning why I did not have same like them, or envy.
The question is how can these people be satisfied for what they have and not become envy or depressed.
I know the answer for this question and I will tell you later, let me here from you your answers.
my my my
you guys are too clever for me. wow! so much food for thought here.
as a human being, i would love to have what those richer than me have. but i am realistic too. why would i break myself to get things that i can never have...i only work hard to get those things that are closer, realistic and within my reach. if i get them, good. if not,sod it. at least i know i tried.
actually, my response to Straight arrow is this: i try to mind my own business. i don't have time to look at what others have. i use my spare time to look at what others don't have so i can give them if i can. i just thank God for what is given unto me.
No one has everything. Just because someone has loads of money doesn't mean they have a happy life. Look for example at all those starlets like Mariah Carrey, Jennifer Lopez and Angelina Jolie, "perfect" bodies and loads of money, yet they all had to go for fertilization treatments to have babies, have all been divorced 2 and 3 times. What's a Ferrari compared to a healthy baby and a loving spouse?
I say realize that no one is perfect and that everyone has something about their life that others would like to have, and vice versa.
better they just go to industrial area.. and check the labors, how they live, what they have... then they will know what they got!!!
my self.. when i see them.. i always thank my ALLAH for what he gave me
well, its a normal feeling but dont let this type of feeling control u. be positive and optimist and always think that ur situation is much better than million other people.
There is always real side and fake side, so there must be a definition for real richness, success, ....etc.
It depends how you define success. Many good deeds require, time and a good heart and no money. By making someone smile and helping that can be success. I like Qatari Sun's story.
but there is no happiness?
Also heart cleaning is a major factor which can improve your satisfaction, and this can be achieved by wishing the best for any person, couple, family.
because nothing can satisfy them, but people who have a self satisfaction are rich because they will never ever feel that their house is small or not good.
These people who have self satisfaction will always work together to improve their life in a reasonable and logical way.
between lower than you and worse same like the difference between black and white, we must look at the causes which made this people successful in their life.
Now which is better a rich man who is always having problems with his wife and children or a normal man who is having good wife and children and there no problem in his family?
Ideally rich man with a family with no problems, but in our life the ideal thing is very very rare.
Satisfaction is complacency and complacency doesn't help in progress or growth..
If you want to grow or make more, you need to envy others which will push you to strive for what you don't have.
it also depends on what one is striving for. Some people really don't care about materialistic things as much as about spirit and soul.. but then again, they never feel jealous that their neighbour has a better car..
I know one guy, who dedicated his entire life to restoration of old churches and monasteries. He would go to some remote abandoned village, would live there in some dilapidated shack, would work on restoration of some church, for basically free. The life has a meaning for him only when he can do such stuff.. he really doesn't care about brands of his clothes, or car (as a matter of fact, he rides a bicycle), or about a house, or any other materialistic things.. this way he clears his soul and expresses his faith, too.. and I believe THIS is the real faith, and not the one that is all in gold and money...
but again, each one is on his own..
Brit a satisfied man is a dead man.. You must always seek something better..
My philosophy anyway.. One reason why I have changed 5 jobs in 5 years :P
there are many people who don't want to strive for more. i know a few and they are comfortable and happy with their lives..
I always look at people who are better off than me as it gives me the motivation to work harder..
No, I do not agree either. Looking at those who have less makes you appreciate what you have, sure. But the aim and goal should be to appreciate what ones has WITHOUT looking at others.
And striving for more is very important, in every aspect.
So if you see somebody who has something you want, be happy for that person, be grateful to have seen it, because now you are able to work on getting it yourself.
We should stop to idealize poverty and strife, it is NOT something to aspire to. Neither is the mindset of people who are in that unfortunate situation . It is, IMHO, not something to aspire that , their mindset, is exactly what got them to be in that situation.
Sorry, not something I can see in a positive light.
Always be aware that you are what you think.
Really i cant say this is jealousness. this is a Human Nature every body wants more thats why now one Happy as for me my thinking is if u see ur back or the guy have less facilities than u it will make u Happy.
Really i cant say this is jealousness. this is a Human Nature every body wants more thats why now one Happy as for me my thinking is if u see ur back or the guy have less facilities than u it will make u Happy.
I knew this was going to turn into a religious teaching. Has anyone ever come across a religious figure who is not relatively at least a little better off than those he guides?
all you guys have said alot but you all seem be missing one important thing, we are all unigue in our own ways..... no two people can be the same and there are differences between striving to be the best and envying and jealousy.some out of too much of these die and some live a horrible and resentful life.....its part of the human nature but when we try to be content with what we are Blessed with we are happy no matter what who have that we dont have. ask yaself how many times you say thank you to who ever made it possible for you to be alive now and stop being envious or jealous of someone else. keep on achieving but dont step on toes you dont need to be stepping on. doing the right thing and not letting others in lead you astray is all there is to life. have ya own mind so control one is to control ya mind but you.
Yes I agree.. One must always always strive to better one's self.We must constantly aim at being better human beings and achieve the best. But on the topic of jealousy and envying others,then we must then look at those below us in order to prevent ourselves from falling into the abominable act of jealousy,constantly coveting what others have, ungratefulness, and self loathing,etc.
I cannot agree with "Always look at those worse off than you". In terms of Envy/Jealousy may be YES. But constantly looking only "at those worse off than you" will lead to self-complacency, and ultimately to the inhibition of self-improvement, self-development and achieving personal goals. Sure, why to improve yourself, if there is someone who is worse than you?
to have some envy isn't bad, but in a good way.. envy should be "productive".. I always say: if he/she can do it/have it/accomplish it, I also CAN.. and nothing can stop me...
Always look at those who are less than you
Be grateful for what you have, be happy for others if they are fortunate, think about what you want, concentrate and if it is good , you will find a way get it.
You are what you think.
now let us have your answer
Its better to see yourself half full rather than seeing yourself half empty....
Well.. I am not a much of a jealousy person yet, the so called monster often passes pretty quickly and without burning intensity of mine though.Further to this point I love myself and always compare myself to myself so that I am able to appreciate what I am blessed with.
This makes me more positive and emotionally stable since I am no longer comparing and feeling jealous of what the other guy has that I haven’t.
My ability to control my emotions and refrain from the reactive behaviour keeps me out of the hitch.
Even if they have a luxury house or dream car still they will not be satisfied. Still they want to have more and more.
satisfaction has no limit.. car on the roads keep on go better year after year new models.. new shapes.. if you go behind.. you will no were.. so be happy wat u are.. were u are.. "neighbours Garden always look more Greener"
Just look people below you.. and say thanks to GOD....
Well said... Always look at those worse off than you and count your blessings...
Envy can put you into trouble!... If you are happy with your life, be satisfied what ever you have and enjoy it. If you compare yourself to other's prosperity, ask yourself if you work hard enough to reach your goal?
Never a good thing.. "Look at the people who are below you and do not look at the people who are above you, so that you do not be greedy or ungrateful of Allah Blessings" (The Prophet Mohammed)
I must say the moment I find acquaintances getting into the whole competing and comparing bit I tend to tune off. Absolutely off putting!
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