Paris Hilton

Socialite Paris Hilton, known to be a Pacman fan, joins Manny and Jinkee Pacquiao after the former’s successful bout against “Sugar” Shane Mosley.
Socialite Paris Hilton, known to be a Pacman fan, joins Manny and Jinkee Pacquiao after the former’s successful bout against “Sugar” Shane Mosley.
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as long as manny cant be caught by his wife...
i wonder how many rounds will manny can withstand with paris hilton ;-p
lucky manny... haha
Beautiful and pretty Slut machine ;-p
lol Uranus.... apart from emily blunt and liz hurley... she challenges my chastity... (excuse me if that was too much info)
Lucky Pacman....
How do you know she "had all those men"..were you there to witness it?
Or is it because she is good looking and a famous party girl?
Because...being that and fcuking everything in sight goes hand in hand, right?
i can marry her today and give it to you tomorrow TB ! :)
You mad idealistic fool :o)
You guys can slag her off all you like. I still think she is yummy, and I would marry her tomorrow. Well as long as she promised not to be promiscuous anymore. Which of course she would do, just to keep me.
Apparently, she decided not to convert to Buddhism because the meditation routine would have entailed crossing her legs :O)
..that was not the intention. Just wanted to point out that the article was a hoax. funny part being, people googling for her pics come across this article and the 'U' turn in the attitude.
Why hasn't anyone mentioned Jinkee..
Remember that she has been with Manny also :O)
LP now change this sexy topic to a religious bashing one...:(
..was supposed to be a funny article in daily squib. Chaps searching for her nude pics came across the article and started posting how happy they were for her.
Then daily squib posted an article that she had converted to buddhism, and boy, you should have seen the response of the same group.
here's the link
prime candidates for the darwin awards
She converted to Islam. Hasn't she? Look at her veil!
..i wouldnt put my money on that .. neither her nose nor her ears
2012 olympics says
She is not married, so surely she is still virgin.
yeah ur ryt 2012 olympics her nose is still a virgin..(never been penetrated) you know what i mean.. ;-p
2012olympic wake up buddy !
Stop dreaming....:)
One Night in Paris with Rick Salmon Fish ! :(
Oh fish, i didnt see tat sex tape...can anyone give me a copy of this tape plz ? :(
LOL Palki
She is still welcome for a cup of coffee at mine anytime. Regarding the choking and puking... that would only happen if she saw me naked with the light on.
She is not married, so surely she is still virgin.
Rizks , feeling hot?,... today being the first heat wave day, max temp 47 C, you would feel as hot seeing Daffy Duck!
here is her short list
This Hilton has been visited by more men than the one in Central Park :O)
LmaO TB ! hahaha
and what if she choked or puked?
britey i thought u would say:-
Shes had more men than you've had Hairs on ur head....:(
Well I wouldn't kick her out of bed for farting
His mother must be so proud that he is spending time with such a well-known girl of chastity, modesty and virtue.
She's had more men than you've had hot dinners :O(
Shez as usual HOT !
I Lub her from bottom of my everything....