International cheque clearance time

How long does it take for clearance of an international cheque in Qatari banks.Is there any QCB regulation regarding that? What to do and whom to complaint to, if you feel that the bank people are deliberately delaying the clearance for using the money for the banks immediate needs.Has anyone been in this situation? pls advice...
Thanks for the replies..........
There are no timelines on international cheque clearance because QCB has no jurisdiction or control on how long a bank in another country has to clear their cheque.
Hope you're prepared for some high charges for this service as well - it is much cheaper to have money transferred electronically or to get a draft drawn on a Qatari bank than to clear a cheque drawn on a foreign bank.
had done it once. nearly took a life time. i had to wait for almost 1 month to get money from as near as Dubai.