Mozaic problems at Airport area

How many people have bad QTEL experience from Mozaic in Airport/Al-Thumama area (near Gulf Driving School)?
QTel promised to fix at least 10 times this year and still have done nothing. Internet dropping every 20 minutes and some weekends no internet all day. TV quality is bad. QTel charge for the service and refuse to give anything back. QTel close the customer complaint tickets even though they haven't done anything. This is criminal and they refuse to put my old system back until after 12 months unless I pay them a penalty!
I am also in the Al-Thumama area and my internet would stop working randomly and Mozaic streaming was not smooth with a lot of lag. I had to complain thrice and then a QTel exchange person called and told me that there was some configuration issue at the exchange.
Before I had to restart all devices after every hour or two but now its been 2 weeks and everything is working without any problem. I say you call QTel support and tell them that you want to talk to someone in exchange. Lets hope they sort it out for you.
I am having the same problem in Bin Mahmoud so I am assuming it is a problem with Qtel's infrastructure. I have called them many times, and each time they tell me they have "reset" the connection but the problem still persists.
Lets wish us good luck!