How to french kiss online-Japanese solution
Scientists in Japan are working on a kissing machine that will effectively transmit the feeling of a kiss, but kissing experts aren't yet convinced that the device can measure up to the real thing.
The research is being done at Kajimoto Laboratory at the University of Electro-Communications with the ultimate goal of seeing if the tongue-tied test subjects can experience a kiss via machine.
The prototype pucker machine looks like a larger version of a kid's juice box with a straw-like apparatus sticking out of the side.
"If you take one device in your mouth and turn it with your tongue, the other device turns in the same way," researcher Nobuhiro Takahashi told "If you turn it back the other way, then your partner's turns back the same way, so your partner's device turns whichever way your own device turns."
Takahashi says the tongue-twisting effect is achieved by motor rotations that are controlled by the user via computer.
"The turn angle information is sent reciprocally by both devices to maintain the same position," he said.
pucking stupid machine...!
Nothing like the real thing so they can go on inventig and coming up with whatever they want it wont be the same....
They r creative....I hope everyone heard about the "Bilk" and "diet water"....even lately a "rice to bread" machine....☺
Lets not rack our brains thinking what else they will come up with coz they just go beyond imagination :P
Amazing ..
Think of the uses... It could be installed in luscious Lizzi with the real life smile :O)
what more they are inventing... any clues..
Those japs really are into this online thing. They marry pillows/pictures/even dead corpses. Now this?
pucker machine ! lol
Takahashi i dont need any machine for tat buddy...:)