The effect of technology on our life

No one can deny what an affect technolgy has brought to our life and day to day life, these technologies such as Satelites, mobiles, internet, tv,...etc.
Some people realy like these technolgies and some do not like, I know some people who do not use mobile, I do not know why they are not using it, but any how they must have their own reasons.
Technology can be good or bad, similar to a book which you can buy, if you buy a good book you benifit yourself, but if you buy a bad book you waste your time, and you did not gain any useful knowledge.
Same thing goes for the internet, it all depends on the way you use it, this applies for any thing you use in your life.
I have to say that internet made our life more easier in terms of research and finding information, booking tickets, travelling, and many other big advantages, but one of the disavantages are these porn websits which I consider as one of the big disadvantages which are there on the intenet,where Naked man and woman are there and sexy positions, these are actually in my opinion promoting rape act and increasing the number of Rapist, these websites are one of the main reasons to destroy your society, because a teenage who is between 12 and 17 yers old can be affected easily and according to psychologists there are some steps which will lead to the rape act and it is as follow:
Step 1 curiosity to look at these websites
Step 2 r]liking to view these websites again
Step 3 addiction
Step 4 Practicing and here there is a big chance that rapes will take place.
There are some dirty girls who work for these dirt websites from their home and these girls need to be told that what you do is no good.
Damn right Pilgram now I understand why the girl always short changes me in carrefour with a poxy sweet or something!
Why dont they just give you a condom or something instead of change that would be useful!
Lol Brit. That's because it's Carrefours culture to cheat people out of their change!l
Then why don't I seem to have any in my pocket when I go to Carrefour ??
Cultures change. They evolve. Cultures that don't grow or adapt to meet the demands of changing environments end up going extinct.
The only thing that is constant in life is change.
For your case you can not fear your self if you do not fear the holy spirit which inside you. (for your case)
By the way read the previous link it is an intersting one.
The people who fears others and dont fear themselves are hypocrite! Coz the Holy Spirit lives in Us
last sentence is applicable only for a certain type of people.
I invite those to read about this ruler
Also remember the difference between a positive change and a negative change.
A positive change will not creat chaos and will improve life, a negative change will creat chaos and many other problems.
Off course I will not do like that tunesian guy, I have my beliefs which I must obey.
The people who fears others and dont fear God are hypocrite.
the power of dotcom now a days can be used or abused, we have to make our choices.
according to me is a leader who gets power even without touching the culture of the people.
A fake strong leader is a leader who thinks by making a change and deleting people culture will give him power.
Isn't real leader is a person who maintains justice and respect others culture without harming them?
That is courage from you thanks
I did answer, see above.
No, SA. I have no education. I survived it without being brain-washed like you.
What justies your statement?
Your holy fingers are getting dirty now, SA.
Please answer the questions
I am sure you know the answer
let me answer your questions:
1. Qataris
2. Ignorant or naïve or uneducated
3. Strong ambitious leaders
4. Straight Arrow
5. Bon vivants
SA, STOP using your computer!! The guy who made it drinks, smokes, and eats pork. How can you dare to touch the device with your holy fingers!!
let him eat and drink what he wants for the reason he wants (may not be what he told you, as he may be afraid of you judgmental reaction, that is way he gave you a victim's excuse).
dare to try it yourself, you may like it!
so many people eat and drink what you mentioned and they are nice people who do a lot to the world you live in, including the means for you to express yourself here ;)
live and let others live.
you only have this life and you are missing a lot.
1. Those Qatari who go and study outside in USA or CANADA for 4 or 5 years and come back maintaining the Arabic values and build positively their community?
2. Those people who do not know basice differences between some cultures.
3. Those people who want to force their culture on others, in another words delete the culture of the citizens in one country?
4. Those people who are only looking at a subject from one corner?
5. Those people who forget their values when they study abroad? An example of this one tunesian guy who eats pork and drink wine, when I asked him why are you doing this? He said If I don't do my french friends will hate me, in other words also he fears people more than God.
Straight Arrow,
One answer for both of your questions: live and let others live. Don’t assume that the world is as you see it. You have spent too much time with one book only. Go out, open your mind and see the world. You have too much garbage in your mind that is blocking you to enjoy this life, here and now. (don’t say after that you were not told so).
Forget your doctrine, for a while. You may be surprised by your enlightenment!
I am sorry to disappoint you but there are light years between you and me which makes our communication almost impossible.
I am so sorry that you are stuck in a tiny box but on the other hand I am so happy that you are far from representing the average Qatari, who have generally moved away from your tiny box, a generation or two ago.
When I said that I feel sorry for you, I really meant it!
This is funny - thanks SA you know how to make my day
Unfortunately, SA, they don't cut off your d*ck when you rape a woman. Your example is not working!
People will always blame technology and popular culture for causing bad things to happen or promoting "bad values."
Today it's the internet, a few years ago it was video games, before that tv and movies, before that comic books, before that pictures, before that books, and so on and so forth.
People will always blame the newest things rather than human nature.
is not the first option, and it is not the main step.
What benifit if a worker does a job without learning the procedure and then he got his hand or 2 fingers cut, what do you think this considered good learning from experience?
The main education is obtained from the knowledge and others mistakes, learning by experience is better when you know your job procedure and how to do your work safely.
1. Please answer how is education here is replaced by control?
2. What do you mean by no individual growth?
education here is replaced by control.
no learning from experience.
no individual growth, as big brother knows better what individuals may or may not know.
as you mentioned, he results are what we observe.
SA, yes, true. And that would be educating people and then letting them make their own choices.
Wrong choices some times can lead to disasters so why not make a way that makes the chose of a right choice easier?
SA, the children that are young enough to realize that medicine is dangerous, do not have access or knowledge of the internet.
So, again, the comparison, like the one you used in another thread, does not work.
It seems to me that here and in the general region, it is considered crucial to remove temptation instead of trusting people and giving them the freedom to make the right, or simply their own, choice.
It is, IMHO, not surprising then that if and when people DO make their own choices, they often turn out bad...that, IMHO, is not surprising, as they seem to have very little practice due to above mentioned reason.
LincolnPirate that was funny
Medicine? Why not remove their brains totally?
If you as a parent are too lazy or stupid to supervise young children using the internet, then you shouldn't have kids.
some people have a curiosity, others do not have.
The concern is that you are living in an open world where every thing is accessable and when whyteknight said to put proxy ok, but what if he/she use internet out of your which does not have proxy.
If you have two childs one is curious and one is not, and you are having a medicine which is in reach, isn't it better to have this medicine in place where both children can not reach.
So if it can't affect you, or the people who are raised well, what's the concern?
By that logic, the only people who would look at those sites are ALREADY bad people, in which case visiting porn sites isn't the cause of the problem, but in fact is an indication that a problem already existed.
if some one does not want to be ruined he/she must be strong enough to do the necessary, in this case only these girls can not ruin me.
whyteknight the community consists of families if each family maintains the good deeds and stop the bad habbits, the community will be a better community.
But remember there must be justice as well.
Straight Arrow I can just set up a firewall to block those websites. What's the problem?
How can those girls ruin you if you don't want to get ruined?
there will always be the good and bad, if nothing is good or bad, then how the definition of good came and did the definition of bad came?
A counter argument is that porn actually provides a healthy outlet for men (and women) who may otherwise try to act out their fetishes in real life. It also allows them access to like minded people.
Nic.. that was a wise comment..:)
There's something so charming and naive about SA's point of view. A simple, black and white world, where everything is someone else's fault.
Not the parent's fault for failing to supervise their children. Not the fault of the Arab sponsors who own and operate the porn channels. Not the fault of Nilesat or Hotbird who are happy enough to broadcast the porn right into the homes of all the Arabs, free of charge.
And certainly, it's not the fault of the guys who pick up the remote control and seek it out.
How I would love to live in a headspace where everything can just be blamed on the 'bad girl'.
I was going to comment but I feel sorry for Straight Arrow.
No point challenging him as it's not his fault, he is just trying to do his best based on what he grew up to be.
... and now it degenerates into a preaching session. Over and out.
she is already sick for money
Not every schoolar can make Fatwa
This might help
There are some muftis on some satellite channels who answer all questions without exception. Some people in some gatherings, when a question is posed, rush to answer it and each of them wants to speak before the other. What is the Islamic ruling on this?
Praise be to Allaah.
Ibn al-Qayyim said:
The salaf, the Sahaabah and Taabi’een, used to regard it as makrooh to rush to issue fatwas. Each of them would wish that someone else would take care of it, but if he realized that he had no alternative but to answer, he would do his utmost to find the ruling from the Qur’aan and Sunnah or the words of the Rightly-Guided khaleefahs, then he would give his fatwa. ‘Abd-Allaah ibn al-Mubaarak said: Sufyaan told us from ‘Ataa’ ibn al-Saa’ib from ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Abi Layla who said: I met one hundred and twenty of the Companions of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) – and I think he said, in the mosque – and there was none of them who had to speak but he wished that his brother would take care of it; there was no one who had to give a fatwa but he wished that his brother would take care of it. Imaam Ahmad said: Jareer told us from ‘Ataa’ ibn al-Saa’ib from ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Abi Layla that he said: I met one hundred and twenty of the Ansaar from among the Companions of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and there was no man among them who was asked about something but he would wish that his brother would take care of it, and there was none who had to speak but he would wish that his brother would take care of it.
more complet answer is in the link
You can google and find the link
SA, like LP said, the parents should take responsibility if their underaged kids watch adult stuff online in the home.
Btw,I watched lots of porn when I was at college. So did my friends. None of us are rapists. We did not enjoy sadism. In fact we grew out of it after a short time because there were nothing so special about it. Always the same action and cries. We did not bite anyone in that jungle we were living.
SA, the case of a 12 yrs old boy making phone call to sex hotlines is one of millions. I will agree with you porn is not good for kids. However, a 10-12 year old cannot have an affair with a woman. The woman is simply a paedophile.
I go with these guys: "Owners of Arab satellite channels have expressed concern over a fatwa by the chairman of the Saudi Judicial Council, Shaikh Saleh Al Luhaidan authorising the murder of owners of Arabic satellite TV channels that broadcast programmes considered immoral.
The fatwa came during a programme transmitted live by the Holy Quran Radio on Wednesday in which he said "satellite channels caused the deviance of thousands of people as they show seduction, obscenity and vulgarity".
He added: "Certainly it is permitted to kill those who encourage corrupt beliefs."
Let's kill!!
I assume yes.
I said it is a factor which is promoting it, and I resmble it as a fire which must be prevented, because if a fire took places then you never the consequences.
SA, I see your question to WK. No, I would not let my 10-12 yr old boy to watch porn. But watching porn does not automatically lead to rape. It could.
How many cases of rapes have you heard in the Gulf Countries? And how many young watch online porn? Like WK said, we would be all rapists if we follow your logic. You made a strong comment by saying it promotes rapes. Rapes are mostly commited by adults not teens. Besides, rapists suffer from psychological deviation from the norm.
other wise we can speak about that American boy who killed his father because he was listening the devil (Satan), in one song the boy claimed that he was listening to a song where the devil told him to kill his father.
All parents with disregard should know what there children are doing?
Whyteknight I am waiting for your answers.
Only for food, SA, not for fun. That's what makes tigers the better humans!
the main cause, if you grow in a jungle with tigers, then after some time probably you will be like them and start biting other poor animals.
Yeah, SA. We should punish the mother for not knowing what her child is doing! What we need is a school for parents! Especially for Arab parents!
some American channels and programs such as Dr. Phill, and in one episode there was a mother asking for help because her 12 yr old boy, I do not know exactly how old is he may 13 or 14, he was calling from the home telephone these hot lines where girls speak to you, she was shocked how her son was calling and how he became addicted to these telephone numbers.
B2D & LP. You made me laugh again. But come on guys, you really do not need any source to SA claim, do you? There could still be a slight possibility teens watching porn can lead to rape. Curiosity and the urge to experiments, in some weaklings, may lead to disastrous effects if the opportunity presents.
However, SA's comments that he believes porn is promoting rapes is a bit extreme though. Perhaps he needs to revisit some psychology books on the causes of rapes.
Btw SA, have you ever heard of rape cases in Nudist Camps?
a 10 or 12 years old boy do you like him to have access to these porn websites?
Do you like your 10 or 12 years old child have an affair with other woman?
Do you like your 10 or 12 year old daughter for example losing her virginity at this age?
There are really dirty guys around: Saudi "Princes", Sheikhs and so on. The owners of these porn channels. What about these dirty a44holes?
and more accurate answer for your question is that people are not affected at the same level.
Some gets affected fast and some slowly.
How are they ruining the youth?
the youth.
And offcourse if some one is already ruined or in other words saturated with such stuff it will become normal for him.
And obviously there is no rape in countries where the Internet is not accessible. In Africa, for example. Ha ha ha.
"There are some dirty girls who work for these dirt websites from their home and these girls need to be told that what you do is no good."
They are making a living without hurting anyone, why are they dirty?
If porn makes rapists then I am afraid majority of the world population consists of rapists.
Hahaha, he has no source. He watched these sites himself. Hahaha. Maybe he doesn't know that there is a "Power Off" button on each electronic device.
What is your source for these wild claims?
I've seen porn before. Does that make me a rapist?