Bin Laden, Hitler both declared dead on May 1

Osama Bin Laden and Adolf Hitler share a towering reputation for evil - and also an anniversary.
Both were declared dead on May 1.
Late on May 1, 1945 - about as late as President Obama's TV announcement Sunday - German radio announced that Hitler had fallen "fighting to the last breath against Bolshevism and for Germany."
He had actually committed suicide the day before.
In some cultures May 1 is the official beginning of summer. In many places, May Day is also Labor Day, a celebration of the working man.
May 1 is also the anniversary of President Bush's ill-conceived 2003 Mission Accomplished speech, prematurely announcing an end to combat in Iraq.
Obama, who might have used the words in his TV address, did not.
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of Hitler and Osama it is the foundation day of ILLUMINATI
May 1, 1776
The timing was not a coincidence, you can count on that!
It was May 2nd in Pakistan where he died.
.. So the guy was indeed hiding in Pakistan and Pakistan knew nothing about it. Very nice and interesting. Good job now Pakistan can demand some more aid and money from Uncle Sam to spend on training some more of the same
This makes no sense. Hitler died on April 30th, and Osama bin Laden on May 2nd. The ambush on the facility in Pakistan may have been on May 1st if one is going by the time zones in the United States, but if one is going by the time zone that the ambush actually occured it, it was May 2nd.
this is creepy..
Hitler, Bin-laden and Eva Braun all had mustaches ...
COINCIDENCE ? I think not !
I don't believe that Bin Laden exists! So, ok he died LOL
check this picture .......
oh man..i just wish him dead...
(CNN) -- The operation that killed Osama bin Laden was designed to do just that, not to take him alive, a U.S. government official told CNN Monday.
DNA matching is under way on samples from the body of the slain terrorist leader, the official said.
There are photographs of the body with a gunshot wound to the side of the head that shows an individual who is not unrecognizable as bin Laden, the official said
ALLAH SWT knows best if he is dead or alive.
Osama is dead and alive as per America
That date has been unfortunately,associated with sad events.One of the worst and saddest was the so-called 'mission accomplished' speech of George W.Bush in 2003.
Gaddafi Beware,.....that is if you last till the coming May 1st.