Price Rise in Qatar..

2 My Astonishment i rechecked the Price of Anchor Milk Powder 3+ yrs with the Management of Food Palace.i paid 68.5QR for 1.8kg when i got it for last time. Within a month it is now 86.5 qr for 1.8kg. I thought it may be a mistake ( 86 instead of 68 ) but it was real.....
Whatz goin on.......God Increase OUR SALARY....
really must get out more, have you tried finding a hobby?
Sorry to inform you guys that price rise in qatar is the highest when compared to the whoe of GCC as the distributors here are taking the common people here for a joy ride. Even LULU cannot sell at a lesser price or for that matter Al Meera and carrefour as they have to increase when the distributor increases the prices.
Unfortunatley in Qatar 2 main distributors control the market they are Ali Bin Ali and Qatar natioanl Import & Export so we need to put up with these high prices. no alternative only let us pray if we can get also salary hikes like this.
The rise in prices is prevelant everywhere in the world and not just here in Qatar.It depends to some extent,the fluctuating market forces of demand and supply.Not to mention the price of raw materials and payments to suuppliers as well.
The issue of increase in salaries has always been a problem.The incomes hasn't unfortunately in the last few year's,been keeping up with the exorbitant expenses that a indiviadual has to keep up with.
craaj 18 .
why can't u buy longlife milk { almarai }.
its reasonable...
thank U naseerhammed for latest bulletin.
Does the report says the price can vary from a store to store in same row of a market/plaza?
Yep man i got only Anchor milk
dude, tomorrow may be another working day
is it only anchor milk or the rest of what you purchased?
i hope, it did not apply to the rest of the commodities.