People visit office for Donation
Now a days many ladies and gents frequently visit offices for donation. They will come n ask u ''wen mudeer'' or ''any arabic man''
If you will not allow them to enter they will try to enter by themselves or will get angry on you.
A guy visited to our office n asked for Mudeer... when Mudeer came the arabic guy took him to the conference room by himself n tried to explain somethin in arabic.. The boss (uk national) just got the idea from this guy english words that his brother is in hospital or died who has been hit by our driver .... we called all our site to check whether any accident has happend??? then this arabic guy realised that we din understand him n he tried to escape we asked him to stay n called our man who could translate him on phone.... after the conversation our guy informed us that his brother has been hitted by some1 n admitted to the hospital n he is asking us to help him...
Ufffff every body there gone mad.. he just said OK no problem n left.
They can b find anywhere. The best way to avoid them as some guy mentioned ask them for ID card or say no arabic national here..
Yesterday two men came to our office too; asking for help. Almost same story, car accident, one indonesian guy died, misrey maskeen driver, need money to help the misrey etc... we asked for the ID card, one man showed us his Yemeni travel document. We've offered a small help and asked his Qatari ID to do a voucher. He said his QID is in the car and asked how much would we give. We said 50. Oh only 50 ? Not 500 ? We replied it's only 50 he said he will get his ID from car and went away; never returned!
s_isale, Thanks for that good idea. I will try that next time.
There are so many like that. Tell them that you will call the poice and they will disappear.
Beggars? In the "richest" country in the world?? Impossible!
WoW!! begging reaching new heights!
just ask for their id card. that should be enough for them to go away
I too experienced same kind..
Should ignore. I tel them to contact Qatar Charity, I ask details so they escape...
If we ignore one, the chain will break, from that no one will come to our office.
If we give to one, chain continues, more people will come from then.
Professional beggars. That's what they are.