Football/soccer casual games
Hello all
I'm moving to Doha in two weeks and I am keen to get back in to playing football. I am 24 and I am recovering from acl reconstruction surgery. I am looking to play casual games in either 11 a side or 5/7 a side football. Where can I go to include myself in such games? Do any of you guys play regularly?
Im all registered! Thanks for the link Grasso. Cant wait!
What is the standard of the players there?
Sorry, posted at the wrong forum...
When do these games normally take place? I assume it would be at night due to the heat? Also is it on artificial or organic grass? Indoor/outdoor? Will I just be able to turn up and say "can I play?" like back at school or do we need to officially sign up? I'm desperately excited to get playing again.
Check out Al Sadd Club, alot of expat friends play weekly up there.
Also Garveys, they just made a pitch up at their club.
Come over and check the local clubs here. U will b able to find one.