Driving test
Can somebody share their experiences while having a drive test on the road.
the situation is this: the car is parked and put into hazard signal alongside of the road, then you will make drive test, what will be the correct procedure in driving the car?
Is it..
first - Check mirrors
second - Check seatbelt
third - First gear
forth - Handbreak off
fifth - hazard signal off
sixth - Look at the side mirror before turning the signal then drive.
Please correct the procedure if i'm wrong.
Mirror and then the seatbelt ... How r u gonna reach the Right hand side rear view mirror if u have ur seatbelt on ... Got it?
Thank you for the inputs.
I'm just confused with Adjust mirror and Seatbelt.
Which comes first. someone said Mirror then seatbelt, other said Seatbelt then mirror?
1. adjust seat
2. seatbelt
3. set mirrors
4. First gear
5. Handbreak down
6. hazard signal OFF
7. left Indicator ON
8 Look left & rear mirrors
9. Look at the left & rearside mirror before turning the signal then drive.
when u r parking, put ON right indcator, look rear mirror. dont forget handbreak up and hazard signal ON
This is the correct procedure. I passe last month
dont become nurves
Best of luck.
1. ajust seat
2. seatbelt
3. set mirrors
4. First gear
5. Handbreak down
6. hazard signal OFF
7. left Indicator ON
8 Look left & rear mirrors
9. Look at the left & rearside mirror before turning the signal then drive.
when u r parking, put ON right indcator, look rear mirror. dont forget handbreak up and hazard signal ON
This is the correct procedure. I passe last month
dont become nurves
Best of luck.
you Pass go get your license
its very easy..just do teh things in right order and manage speed..dont over speed in first gear ..chaneg the gears up to 3 then back to 1 and park.finish
In addition to above, drive confidently and make sure you do not intersect the coming lane while take turn. You can avoid this by adjusting your mirror to a position where you can easily view the road marks. Avoid unnecessary gear shifting and shift the gear smoothly. If you follow this then hopefully you will be succeeded.
The correct procedure:
first - Adjust Seat
second - Adjust Left, Central, Right Mirror
third - Seat Belt On
forth - First gear
fifth - Handbreak off
sixth - hazard signal off
seventh- Look at the side mirror before turning the signal. Donot forget to Check Blind Spots then drive.
In driving test: One most important test is your Confidence. The Officer will tell you to park at no parking area, to stop infront of gate, to increase speed of the car to above 80, make a wrong turning at roundabout.
But if you obey him then You Fail.
They want to Check whether you obey Rules of the Country.
It's almost right...
But as soon as u swicht off the hazards lights, Switch on the Indicator....
Further wait for the others to comment....All the best for your Driving Test...:-)
Depends on the car, if its a landcruiser just pull straight into the traffic whilst pressing the horn.