Facebook, facing trouble
'Facebook sued for negligence over '3rd Intifada' page'
04/02/2011 05:32
Report: Larry Klayman sues Facebook for doing too little too late to remove page inciting violence towards Jews and Israel.
Less than a week after Facebook removed a "cause" page calling for a "Third Intifada," the social networking website and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg were hit with a lawsuit seeking more than $1 billion in damages, AFP reported Saturday.
Facebook removed the page after the site’s monitors said administrators of the page were found to be participating in calls for violence. The ADL, Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Minister Yuli Edelstein, the Zionist Organization of America, and thousands of site users had requested both personally and online through Facebook that site administrators take down what was described as a violence-inciting, anti-Semitic page.
Facebook removes '3rd intifada' page
ADL urges Facebook to remove 'Third Intifada' page
Edelstein calls on Facebook to remove Intifada page
The suit, which AFP acquired from technology blog TechCrunch, was filed in the Washington DC Superior Court by Larry Klayman, a self-described "American citizen of Jewish origin" who is "active with matters concerning the security of Israel and all people." Klayman claimed that Facebook showed "negligence" by not quickly responding the the calls to shut down the "Third Intifada" page.
Klayman also called on Facebook to comb its site for all pages under the title "Third Intifada" or any other page that incited violence towards Jews and remove them, AFP reported.
Facebook has said it would fight the case, dismissing it as being "without merit," AFP cited a website spokesperson as saying. According to the social networking website, the page was initially tolerate because had begun calling for a "peaceful protest," but breached the acceptable lines when posters and eventually the site administrator made posts violating Facebook's policies
MODS of QL are vanguards of this trade, Facebook can use their services!
i have read this in the morning ....we can call it selective FREEDOM OF SPEECH
So, now we have a "judge" employed by Facebook.com who can decide what violence is allowed (liberate Libya), and what violence is not allowed (liberate Palestine). This is beginning of a the trouble for facebook, as in the near future, everyone will sue facebook for any page that they do not like, be it politics, religious, environmental or moral issues.