Looking for a home for2 months old playful kitten

We are looking for a home to approx. 2 months old cute and playful kitten. She was abandoned in a construction area and we are not able to look after her as we already have a cat who can't get along with the little one. The ones who are interested may contact from [email protected] for photos.
You can also post a photo with information on the Cats in Qatars facebook page http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=hp#!/pages/Cats-in-Qatar/151669111511589
As well as QAWS facebook page
It is not unusual for an older cat to dislike a "baby" intruder. They're not happy with older cats usually either. I've had several 6 - 8 week old kittens in my house of 2 older (8 - 12 year old cats - two of them). They don't like the babies at first. The babies learn where to hide (mine like under the refrigerator next to the motor where it's warm). But babies come out and play when I'm home. When the baby is very small I keep them in a bathroom (with bed and litterbox) so they don't get beat up too much.
Latest baby took 4 months to grow up enough to hold his own and to be accepted. The oldest cat still doesn't like him much because youngster is too rambunctious. Second oldest cat is a more tolerant (which is strange because she took every opportunity to beat baby up when he came too close.
It can work, it takes time.