Alaska as a Jewish state

In 1938 the American Secretary for the interior produced the Slattery Report which suggested that one what to develop Alaska was to open it up as a haven for Jewish refugees fleeing Germany.
The idea died for lack of support, but it received serious consideration and was resurrected after the the Second World War.
It's interesting and makes you wonder what the world would be like if it had gone through.
Brit if Idi Amin renounced his claims to the Scottish throne...the Scots could have crowned 'idi appam' as their last King!
If that had happened, then Idi Amin would not have been the Last king of Scotland :O(
Uganda was also suggested.
everyone want the $hit out, so does the plan didn't work.
Edifis, I am sure she is somewhat flexible in adjusting to the kind of prey available...;)
double post.
Right nomerci.
What will happen to Sarah Palin...She will no longer be allowed to hunt down the communist enemies in her backyard every morning. The Russian Jews will swim across and settle in Alaska!
There was also an option in making a state in Argentina .
but the real issue behind the existence of israel in palestine due to religious beleif and the holy land .
It's a furry hat! And yes, they must be planning to go to colder they have already perfected it!
ok, have to google that contraption!
Shhhh! Not a's pronounced as shtreimel and it is more suited to the Alaskan climate than the Middle Eastern climate. I think Moses or whoever it was foresaw that one day they may have to go to Alaska!
Rofl edifis, that's a funny word...what is a "streimel" ???
Imagine Tzipi Lvini as the Governor of Alaska!
nomerci not a furry yarmulke. They have just the thing which will be suitable for Alaska...'the shtreimel'
Brit, be careful...the shot putter might read this...:0
what about other 49 jewish states?
I'd take Tzipi Livni over Sarah palin anyday :O)
built their wall in Alaska!
Well, I suppose if it would have happened, we would see a lot of furry yarmulkes around...;)