Vacuum cleaners in Qatar

Hello, I wasn't sure where to put this so apolgies if it's in the wrong area.
I'm a British Student and I'm currently undergoing a project in which we have to pick a product( I picked Dyson vacuum cleaners), I was then given 2 countries to compare and I have to decide which country for my product would be better to enter the market.
Part of the analysis is applying Porter's five forces which some of you may be aware of.
If anyone could answer my question's below it would be greatly appreciated.
Do you own a vacuum cleaner?
If not what do you use instead? E.g dustpan and brush or do you hire a cleaner who uses their own cleaner?
What do you think the average person in Qatar uses?
Are vacuum cleaner's on general sale in Qatar or do you import them? I found it surpringly difficult to find information on this)
Would you be able to estimate the amount of Vacuum cleaner companies that operate in your country and what are the popular vacuum brands?
Thank you very much
lol :-) cheeky lol
Agh well at least you always had a friend to hang around with. I doubt he ever let you down.
Please don't remind me of poverty.
we were so poor, that If I wasn't a boy , i would have nothing to play with :O(
I am so poor, I put rags on my feet and pretend to be an ice skater when I have to clean ;-(
Yes, but does it punch above its weight ?
I have a Tyson... its very high maintenance... :(
I think dyson would not do well in Qatar.
For a start it is more expensive than other brands. secondly, the buildings and floors here probably would not be suitable.
You get brands like Hoover, Black & descker, LG, Panasonic, Sanyo etc...
I have a Dyson and wouldn't use any thing else! It cleans tiled floors and carpets equally well.!
I'd say you find mostly marble/tile here. Wood maybe in the palaces. Rugs are very popular .
Don't know the percentage.
porters five forces as you would now, it measures the industry attractiveness, as such you have two countries to enter, and you have to opt for one, which is better in terms of returns for a while.
as for qatar, u will have to do a research on who uses a vaccum cleaner here and what percentage of the population uses that.
to get to that u need to find where it is used, assume it is mainly used in residential areas, and in those residential areas, vaccum cleaners are used where there is carpet, and not some kind of tiles and other materials (my info.. no reference). so u need to find what percentage of the buildings (accom.) has carpets, tiles, finolin, others etc. u will have to find out whether carpet option is user decided or forced upon etc etc,.. .more research is needed ... best it to open a poll here from some free polling website like survey monkey.. post the link and wait for some results to show up... but then the questions should be smartly placed...
most important is the population, simply, larger pop would mean larger sales.
once you have a fair idea, then you gotta think about, supplier power, buyer power, alternatives, and entry to the concerned market.
it is all about deductions, assumptions, and sorting..
considering it is a small market, i dont think you can get references from published articles to quote but it could be more of in-person market research... only if your school/ project accepts it..
Thanks for the replies, for some countries it is expected that we would not be able to find academic sources.
Would you be able to estimate what percentage of people in Qatar have carpets or marble/wooden floors?
With a brush and pan. Many people here employ maids, and those maids seem to prefer to use brush and pan. I had helpers that had no idea how use a vacuum cleaner.
Thanks Marcus, would you be able to tell me how most people clean their floors here if not by vacuum cleaner? Thanks.
It is hard to find pro vacuum cleaner here!