This web site is utter rubish!

I have posted a few normal questions, but never had any reply back! i really dont know why i bother wasting my time on here!
people put stupid questions up, like how to use a mobile phone etc and get loads of answers, yet i post a genuine question and dont get one reply!
oh and whilst im on my rant, why do people find it acceptable to ask me for pictures, messages etc, i get this on my skype account all the time too!
if i want 'dirty goings on' i would ask for it, just because i am female and (White british) that doesnt give anyone the right to contact me!
No doubt none will reply, so thanks for helping people new to qatar!!!
Very angry Brit!!!
Listen there is lots of "white brit young women" in Qatar, not a big deal! They are not complaining like you yourself, and you are not special to think everyone is after you..
"Easy target"? What's up with you thinking you're Megan Fox? Chillax women, there are creeps every where in this world. UK isn't the safest place, in fact it is very dangerous. I lived a scary life when I was in UK, it doesn't mean it's a creepy country or whatever...Firstly it is so unreasonable to go to the Zoo with two kids on your OWN! I mean the last time I have been to the Zoo, was when I was 9 years old and that was with my mother and father! Secondly why would you answer a stranger on Skype? Your mistake! Live with it!
And if you think this website is rubbish, because you didn't get an answer to two ridiculous questions,that you could have got by checking other useful website or call Qtel or whatever, then leave it, and leave the country too...If you think it's creepy....Boooohhhhhh...
What when people like myself have a genuine problem or question to ask? I took the time to read a post about an indian wanting to marry a qatari....... what an utter load of rubbish! i have nothing against indians, in fact i have an indian friend in Dubai, but the class of indian, which were asking the question is just a joke surley! i mean, im not the worlds best speller, but come on these guys who try 'come on to me' cant even string a sentance together, let alone type one!
there definatly is (Creepy) people here! i had a guy from Jordan, ringing my skype, so me being me i answered it and told him where to go! i may look like a young and an easy target, but they couldnt be further from the truth!
I was at the Zoo with 2 children less than a month ago, 4 indian guys followed me back to my car! they were staring over and making me feel quite nervous! so i put my kids in the car safely, then confronted them! lets just say i had to get rude and use bad lanuage for them to leave me alone, as they were only a foot away from me!
to say we are in a muslim counrty, these guys really do push there look, i'd like them to try the same in my home country, cos they would get more than verbal rants! lol
If you want loads of responses, create a thread about $ex or racism. Seemples!
Sometimes people know stuff, sometimes they don't.
And sometimes they sleep.
There's a lot of single (creepy) guys on this site so Gyno's and hairdressers will be low on their lists, whereas they see a 18-25 female and think 'fair game' Hence the PMs looking for friendsheep
Sad but true :o(
thank you tinkerbell
it really doesnt matter if asked 2 questions or 200! i still got no reply, until i made a fuss! which is exsactly why i did it, people are too quick to only answer posts which benefit them!
i also agree, this site is full of bored people!
Just keep trying, you do get alot of junk answers but some people do want to help newcomers like us, there are lots of genuine people as well.
Good luck
I agree with u, thats why I never log in or ask any more questions here. This is a website for people who dont have any work to do, or rather are idle at work :)
All the best dear.
OK, let's take a look.
1. You asked about a Gyno at 1am when most people are asleep. This question would have then got buried in a pile of crap questions about unlocking iphones.
2. You asked for an English mobile hairdresser and got no replies. Maybe because such a thing doesn't exist in Qatar, or nobody actually knows of one.
That's a grand total of 2 questions in 7 weeks.
Care to take a deep breath and try again?