Breast milk ice cream seized

Ice cream made from breast milk has been removed from a central London restaurant on health grounds following complaints by members of the public.
The dessert, called Baby Gaga, went on sale at ice cream parlour Icecreamists in Covent Garden in February.
But Westminster Council officers removed the product to make sure it was "fit for human consumption".
Icecreamist founder Matt O'Connor said the donor was medically screened and the milk mixture was pasteurised.
'Amazing response'
The ice cream was churned with donations from London mother Victoria Hiley, and served with a rusk and an optional shot of Calpol or Bonjela. Each serving costs £14.
Westminster council said it had received two complaints from members of the public and concerns were raised by the Health Protection Agency and Food Standards Agency.
Tory Westminster Councillor Brian Connell said: "Selling foodstuffs made from another person's bodily fluids can lead to viruses being passed on and, in this case, potentially hepatitis.
"As the local authority we will support small businesses and applaud innovative ideas wherever possible, but must protect the health of consumers."
Mr O'Connor, said: "We have had an amazing response - many women have come forward and offer to give us milk.
"You can buy alcohol and tobacco but not breast milk in Westminster.
"If Westminster bans this then I am going to begin a protest with mums who have already shown support."
Damned elf & safety.. What do they know..
breast milk has been providing noursihment since time immemorial - and great containers too..
Looks yummy... to me ;)
I would say its best drinking from the source... when its freshest
"No dear, i will not give it a try - I will puke on tat guys face who would made tat ice cream for me....:("... no Rizks its not "made by a guy"... its "made by girl"... lol
Cow or human, I prefer human...will give it a try!
I would like to try it out... Looks yummy
lol edifis!
And why not go for the Lebanese icecream the silly cones?
Yup B cup, C, cup D cup and if you realy like the stuff go for the DD cup ;)
Mj it's available in cups of various sizes and also in the silly cones too!
I love ice cream, but this, makes me think more than twice... :P
Yummy..I am off to Dairy Queen to have some ice cream now!
Breast milk...udder milk what's the difference. Boobies look good on women!
Rizks, i didn't missed you but missed the QL sticker on your Car.... ;)
bubblymom me too....:(
FA, did u missed me ? :(
FA...Sshhhhh !
Tats my sweet dishes....:)
I just missed you. :(
Rizks i thought your apetite was to see Bootiful girls..... ;)
bubblymom u r ruining my apetite...:(
I shall prepare for a nice Cold drink mixed with my scalps oily sweat.....:) Howz tat ?
sorry dp
how about we mix it with your favorite "pepsi"?
No dear, i will not give it a try - I will puke on tat guys face who would made tat ice cream for me....:(
lol Rizks. i think I can sense where you're coming from?
What if it will be made in front of you? Would you be delighted to give it a try? :)
if they didnt tell tat it is made up of breast milk....then no issues, still Health issues will surely be there...
But BROADCASTING it tat it is made up of breast milk is a big Issue....:(
of course...there has always been breast milk lattes :)
(WARNING: NSFW - Don't click if you're offended by partial nudity)
If they didn't tell it's breast milk, would it change the scenario? of course! i see nothing wrong with it.
as a baby, tat ice cream can be fed...but NOT for sale for grown ups....
and as a baby, the breast milk it fed by their mothers and as a grown up we cant just eat tat ice cream knowing tat -it is made up of breast milks from thousands of womans....:(
it will be nice to try but from the source :)
Most of you were probably fed breastmilk as a baby, yes from your own mother but it's still breastmilk.
no B2D, never !
Would u drink ? :(
What is the problem here folks. You are happy to drink milk from a different animal but not a person!?!?!
How about dog milk? Would that be OK?
Lol, Rizks, not only vivid but also dirty!
lol Tinku not only vivid but i have wild imaginations too...:)
Nice stunt , See Now we even at QL are responding!Now that's some marketing stratergy!
I am thinkin which lady might have givne their milk for this ice-cream ?:(
Those pumps which are fitted in a Cows milk bags for pumpin out milk, the same way did they made for these womans too ? :(
Wat a sight ? :(
Let's be honest. This was a publicity stunt. And boy did they get some publicity.
Rizks even when drunk this would have never crossed my mind
Have Cows stopped giving milk in this world ? :(
Digusting people coming up with disgusting ideas...
How can one even think of drinking body fulids of another person ? :(
Insane, drunkard or a fool can only think of such things...:(
Disgusting People....With Disgusting Acts