Artificial People...

By blue_coffee •
A new human race is born...
Nowadays human race become plastic or should i say...most people have plastic pre-made lives hahaha!!!
Opinions are plastic!!!
Souls are plastic!!!
Religions are plastic!!!
So Fu$#%&* loving it!!!
Oh my apologies on that, didn't know that one needs to be brain dead to be declared lifeless.
My brain rejects the concept of a soul so it doesn't exist in my brain for sure.
BC - How do you know it's all Plastic?
Maybe you are assuming too much. Everything is good.
Clinically dead is defined as 'brain-dead', not heart-dead. The heart can be replaced by a mechanical pump. So, if you look for anything like a 'soul', you have to look in the brain! Obviously not all people have a soul, eh, I mean, a brain!
When you breathe in, or inhale, your diaphragm contracts (tightens) and moves downward. This increases the space in your chest cavity, into which your lungs expand. The intercostal muscles between your ribs also help enlarge the chest cavity. They contract to pull your rib cage both upward and outward when you inhale.
As your lungs expand, air is sucked in through your nose or mouth. The air travels down your windpipe and into your lungs. After passing through your bronchial tubes, the air finally reaches and enters the alveoli.
Where does soul come in?
Our body becomes lifeless because heart has stopped pumping blood. How does soul come in?
It doesn't exist.
DNA is only a potential opportunity. It allows us to fill it with actions and their results, and by this we learn and accumulate knowledge. Even Einstein's children were not bright like their father. He did not challenge them! (He was a miserable father).
Lincoln Pirate - there is no need to be vitriolic this early in the morning. What you have to say can be said nicely.
Have a nice day.
Lincoln Pirate - I couldnt agree more. We acquire Intelligence so how does DNA relate to that? I have a lot of reading to do!
We breathe air. What do you breathe? Water?
Randomguy - how can you say there is NO SOUL? Then please explain how is it that we breathe? And what is it that renders our bodies LIFELESS when we depart from this earth?
For the sake of argument you may be able to come up with a lot of scientific theories. And i can come up with more to refute the same.
Intelligence is acquired and not inherited. Intelligence forms from challenge. If you feed your child with McDonalds and do everything for him it will end up as a stupid obese idiot!
Rishimba - I fully understand the difference between plastic and plastics and I was using the word plastic as an adjective to describe my analogy.
A person’s integrity is also plastic such that when it deforms beyond an acceptable limit (plastic deformation), it is equivalent of having no soul, meaning person is just a physical body with no purpose in life, almost an animal.
Although, some animals are better than people as they do project emotions indicative of having a soul. There is nothing more important that a person’s integrity when it comes to interacting with people in a society.
I can still not relate to DNA driving our Mental Nature but i am currently reading up on it. let me get back to you on that when i have more information on it.
I'm surrounded by plastic people... they are totally not environmentally friendly at all! :P
Well those tyres are ok I suppose as long as you do a decent rim job ;-/
There is nothing called soul. It doesn't exist so it can not have any mechanical property including plasticity.
She was continental and I had to tread carefully.
It must have a been a good year for you :-/
neytiri, the DNA drives our mental nature as well apart from our physical traits ..
thats the reason we usually find mental traits like intelligence, manias and phobias, tempers etc. running through the family..
The rubber makes her more flexible and less prone to damage..
Britexpat - then she must Burst at the prick of a pin.. :-)
Rishimba - Pardon me but I will have to continue this discussion tomorrow even though it is quite an interesting one. I am late for an appointment.
I've named her
made out of rubber? 'er Dad....did e-raise-'er?
My GF is rubber, not plastic..
To my knowledge Genes and DNA have an effect on the PHYSICAL aspects of a human and not his mental state and what kind of a person he is.
Rishimba - you have given an explanation of Plastic in 2 forms. And if i have read right your question at the end was how can a SOUL be PLASTIC. Am I right?
And you also stated that anything that can be moulded into a desired shape is said to have plastic properties.
Now, you say we are the product of our genes, which i do agree. we are born with certain instincts - also agree but how is our basic nature driven by DNA? What has DNA got to do with our Nature or how we Behave?
For example, there is a topic today about child abuse. Do you mean to say here that a paedophile is governed by his DNA?
I agree the part what parentage, teachers etc have to play in the moulding of a person, but DNA? Now that is something i really dont understand!
Yes we are what our thoughts are so if a man is say a cheater or a paedophile it does not affect his SOUL? How is that possible?
Pardon me but this seems an interesting discussion thats all.
neytiri, first let me clarify to others the basic difference between 'plastic' and 'plastics'.
'plastic' is the term given to a material's behaviour..its the property of a certain class of materials.
'plastics' is the name of the class of material showing plastic properties.
now, the explanation..
we know, we are the products of our genes and the environment we live in. we are born with some basic instincts, intellect in the nascent stage and the basic nature driven by the DNA we have. its all up to the parentage, teachers, friends, society and the media which mold our the conscience, perspectives, values etc.
we are what our thoughts, in this sense we all are like plastics. but, i will not confuse 'soul' with 'thoughts'.
Isale - no it isnt environment friendly.
I would like an explanation Rishimba on your comment. I think you seem to have confused Blue Coffees personal ire to a philosophical musing though it is quite eloquent.
This is what I think - when you ask how a SOUL can be like Plastic perhaps it has to do with a persons integrity also? I mean the way we think and behave also affects WHO we are and in turn MOULDS our SOUL. And a person can become so deformed in his way of thinking that he becomes PLASTIC and therefore has NO SOUL?
I am just thinking aloud here. I love reading philosophy and your comment just made me think aloud.
Plastic not good for environment
Blu Coffee - You sound like someone has just used you for their own useless ends.
Dont get mad - get even.
His inflatable girlfriend dumped him ...
basher'sbasher, how about you don't tell me what to say..
reduce, reuse, recycle.. :P
i thought it was a plastic fantasy this evening. Get on with it. Have fun before the sun shines
my girl is polyester.
in this case, recycling is necessary... point of getting angry or upset anyway :)
the choices are, be happy or be happy
God is good, all the time. I am not angry nor mad with something.
welcome to the world of plastic , made it china .. it melts
wow...BC, ur angry with something?
couldn't agree more
on last weekend three of our friends left alone other two and went for a trip :P
how i wish mine is also made of plastic like yours...hahaha
so are you from planet earth???
'anything which can be molded and formed to a desired shape' is said to show plastic properties.
if you apply this definition to intangible things, like opinions, religions or lives, they are all shaped by the environment we live in. i understand the analogy.
however, i would like to know how souls could be plastic..
the story is about me, you and all the people around us every single will always encounter artificial human beings flashing their fake smiles but right at the back of their heads they surely want to fcuk you big time!!!
souls are made of plastic? If they are, should be very modifiable !
failed love story? Hahaha definitely not!!!
but we can start right here if you allow me...
As Brit would say, ***Tumbleweed moment***
Plastic Fantastic? shiny, happy people? What's the story here?
another failed love story???