Any one to take care of my dog?

I am leaving for my hometown for a period of one month, since the whole family is leaving there is no one to take care of our dog, Lucky. He is 2yr old, small, well mannered and playful. Is there anyone who is willing to take care of him in our absence? If so, pls contact us at the earliest.
PS: We will provide his food for the absent period.
When are you going away?
he is quiet n playful. u can contact me at 55927633
malditang maan i have sent you a message
malditang..i have sent you a message
malditang..ty..i have sent u a message.
We will be on vacation for a month, to be exact 35 days.
maybe i can take care of him... is he nice with other dogs? does he barks too much? i have one dog with me and he likes to play with other dogs too much....
It is too bad you didn't consider this situation when you took Lucky into your home, but I also think you might have planned ahead a little better. Unfortunately, sometimes people have a change in plans and don't return - what is your plan in that situation?
I hope things work out for you.
for how long you'll be gone?
i know kennels are available, but to be open, i cannot afford that amount, do not take this as disregard for our Lucky, he is dear to us. We cannot afford any high amounts, some one to just look after him because they love pets and we don't want him to be a burden that is why we will stock his food also.
Why not pay for one of the professional kennels to look after him?
he is a shihtzu mix, a small dog not more than 3kgs
let me.... give me your no. i will be the one to take incharge of him im a paet lover thats why im interested
let me.... give me your no. i will be the one to take incharge of him im a paet lover thats why im interested
what gender.... and how big is your dog???