salary for marine engineer

By shabashaba •
hey all
appreciate if u all can help me out
am marine enginner workingon ships trying for a job in qatar.10 yr exp and indian national
just wanted to know these things much salary can i expect from marine services company?
2.wat about the house rent and travel allowances (do they reduce the basic salry ) driving license a must to get job ???
sent your CV to [email protected]
thanks josh
but the question is how much time do they take to decide or kind of reply to ads... cos they replied immediately to ma resume..but not heard for last 4 days about the offers or nething... any head up in this ?
12-15000 riyal per month
2500 riyal accommodation and travelling allowance
if you want to drive and get a license, if you dont know they are still okay with that.actually it;s up to you
thanks Mr.M ,
the thing is will i miss a joib if my expected salary scale is more than wat they offer, i have said that it can be negoitiated... can i expect around 12000 qar with house ?
once again thanks alot
1)It depends,some companies pay much better than others.There is no fixed pay amount,this depends on a lot of issues.
2)You can expect these benefits as well,but some companies do not reduce the salary,they merely adjust the basic pay with other benefits in order to fit the persons qualifications and experience on the job.
3)Driving license is good to have,many companies usually prefer an applicant with a driving license but it's not important to get employed,unless you are applying for marketing or PR jobs for example.