Today is Safer Internet Day!

Today is Insafe’s Safer Internet Day, a day that encourages us all to actively promote safer and more responsible use of the Internet and mobile technologies, especially among children.
The theme this year is “our virtual lives,” with the slogan “It’s more than a game, it’s your life.” This is an important message for us all. It’s very easy to get wrapped up in our virtual lives – constantly checking Facebook, tweeting from our phone, choosing to play Scrabble online with virtual friends, or even immersing into a virtual world like Second Life – but we need to remember that the virtual world can have real-world implications.
That amusing photo of you drinking in college may not be so much fun when you are applying for a job with a foreign government. And no one likes when you are having coffee with them and can’t detach from your mobile long enough to carry on an actual conversation – soon you won’t be invited around.
Tell us what you think: how distinct or connected do you think our real and virtual lives are? Take part in the conversation at:
by flashing my below belly button tattoo :P
Ha Ha hA :D
O I get it thats why the Moderator is deleting all my questions on Baby................sitters.
then it is NOT SAFER DAY anymore
hehehe darude ...
lol DaRuDe...
tat was suppose to be SECRET....:(
and what if Brit uploaded his pic in pink furry thong
or Rizk uploaded his bum tattoo
I agree with you.... One should try to control the internet world and separate it from the real world....