Egypt - A lesson for us all
Congratulations to the Egyptian people and hats off to those who took to the streets. Condolences to those who lost their lives so bravely. change is definitely here.
But i hope that this has also helped highlight the nature of world politics.
1. Internal decisions are often dependent on external factors.
2. Dictators are only in power as long as they are useful.
3. Alliances are temporary and an alliance with a powerful person is never safe.
4. saviours can be easily manufactured.
lastly, my own version of a shakesperian scene... ...
Should we all sink with the king? No, Let's take leave of him.
and who's next, Syria? Yemen? and the vicious cycle continue........
Look, the opposition are smiling. Now, it's their time. Some of them are already very old! And......
algeria next flor
you'll get the good result after a VERY long period of chaos and destruction. Power struggle and a new people who at start are good but eventually will banish also in oblivion!
It happened to us in 1987 and when did we get the good result?, until now....NONE really!
Take a look at the modern day revolutions, what they can not do in election, they do it the mob ways. ANd who really do it, the PEOPLE? Just make a wish!
After Tunisia and Egypt (hopefully), who's next?
rumours of an attempt on the Egyptian Vice president
dont know where the indian media gets their report from
I agree completely.
We always make a hash of things when we meddle.
The Egyptian people have had the courage to stand against him; if they have the insight and the courage to do battle they should be allowed to elect a leader of their choosing, not one that suits the West.
Yeah, let's not meddle, esp since we're looking in from the outside.
yes they want him out now, but they also want someone of their choosing to assume power.
We always use security and instability as reasons to meddle. why not actually let the egyptians decide for themselves which route they want to go ?
I don't think they wanted him out before as this suited them.
However, with what is happening I think they do now. Instability in that area of the world will have a global impact IMHO and the sooner this is over the better.
1. Power is very hard to let go of
2. The decision isn't entirely his, many other factors involved
it is not so straight forward...
Just look at the statements from themWestern governments within the last week...
Why has he just not done the right thing and stood down?
If he truly cared about his people he would be horrified by all the death and destruction.
from pharoah down to mubarak who was the most popular egyptian king/president?
just a question(no malice intended)
الرجاء الدعاء من الجميع لمصر
Maybe one of the reasons that this guy does not want to leave is that then he is not welcome back or allowed back in the very country that he once ruled over like a despot and the typical and latest examples of this are the despots Musharaf from pakistan and ben ali from tunisia
Just wondering where all the kick backs are stashed away
In a lighter vein
Mubarak refuses to heed calls to step down
Mubarak seems to be in denial--which coincidentally is where his body will be found if he doesn't resign.
Nonessential US government staff is beginning to leave Egypt. No word on when nonessential US government staff will be leaving the US.
Cairo airport in a state of chaos
There is so much chaos the airport has been renamed LaGuardia.
So the Government of Egypt has blocked all internet access. The country has now been renamed Gypt.
Egyptian President Mubarak tosses out Cabinet
For a replacement Cabinet, Sarah Palin recommends Ikea.
In light of the recent riots in Egypt, what are the odds that President Hosni Mubarak will listen to the Bangles, and "Walk -- Like an Egyptian?"
congratulating egyptios, is mubarak gone!!