Disastrous Asian Cup

What a disastrous Asian cup final could it be more than 2011. 28 tickets in total and all in vain!!!!.
1)I was informed there is a bug in ticketing, online we see all seats booked but not in reality, thats how we get to see most of the games seat empty in stadium with no tickets available for sale!!
2) Despite of confirmed tickets for finals you are denied entry, citing the stadium is full already!!! what?? any idea what reason are they giving??
3) None of the security knows why they are stopping us from entry despite of valid ticket!!
My fear now escalates to 2022, if this is the casein 2011 with 99.99% local crowd,
What would happen in 2022 when someone comes all the way to Qatar for the games only to find entry ban!!!
We sincerely hope Qatar learns from this if not anything else.
PS: Already wrote a email to the ticketing officials. wish to know the real reason and refund with or without compensation.
For those who want to know how and where they can get a refund for their unused AFC final match tickets, go to this post http://www.qatarliving.com/node/1611439
Below is the correspondence between AFC & I:
From: Rien
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 13:05 AM
To: tickets/-a-t-/asiancup2011.com.qa
Subject: RE: Refund Required due to not being allowed to enter Khalif Stadium for AFC Final
Dear Sir / Madam,
Thank you for your reply.
I appreciate AFC/QLOC joint apology to the fans and the offer to refund money.
However, kindly note that the gates were closed much earlier than 18.05.
My wife and sons reached the stadium at 17.15 and I reached the stadium at 17.45 by then tall barricades were already in place to stop fans from entering the stadium. Although I agree that the gates were closed due to "security reason" are partly correct, the real reason for security concern is due to the free entrance allowed to thousands of people to fill the stadium, thus resulting in thousands of paid fans being turned away.
So, the statement that gates are closed at 18.05 is incorrect.
Therefore, an amendment to your press release, to reflect the actual cause of "security concern" as well as accurate time of the gates closure, would be much apprecited.
Thanks & regards
From: AFC Asian Cup Qatar 2011Tickets [mailto:Tickets/-a-t-/asiancup2011.com.qa]
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 10:15 AM
To: Rien
Subject: RE: Refund Required due to not being allowed to enter Khalif Stadium for AFC Final
Dear Asian Cup Spectator,
In continuation to joint AFC/QLOC Daily Media Briefing held on 30 January 2011 at Main Media Centre, the QLOC would like once again to offer our apology for the fans that were not able to enter the Final Match, despite the fact that they had valid ticketing in their hands, due to the security concern which led to the closing of gates at 18:05.
Once again, we apologize to these fans, and have decided in conjunction with the AFC to refund all ticket-holders who have been denied access to the venue due to Security Closure of Gates.
Please see the detailed process at tickets.afcasiancup.com for applying for refunds and – as always – please do not hesitate to contact the QLOC at tickets/-a-t-/asiancup2011.com.qa for any further inquiries you may have.
Kindly be informed that the submission of the Refund Application Form will be from the 3rd-28th of February 2011.
The Ticketing Department
Local Organizing Committee
AFC Asian Cup - Qatar 2011 TM
E tickets/-a-t-/asiancup2011.com.qa
W www.afcasiancup.com
From: Rien
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2011 11:53 AM
To: AFC Asian Cup Qatar 2011Tickets
Subject: Refund Required due to not being allowed to enter Khalif Stadium for AFC Final
Dear Sir / Madam,
It is with disappointment I write to you about the shameful behavior and treatment I met with (along with at least 10000 other fans) at Khalifa Stadium, Doha-Qatar for yesterday’s Australia vs Japan AFC final match.
Despite having valid, four (4), tickets which I booked over two months ago, my family & I could not enter the stadium.
When we reached the stadium at 5.15pm, we were told by policemen that we cannot go in as the stadium is full.
We waited till 7.15pm to get into the stadium, only to disappointed and pushed away by baton wielding policemen … so we returned home extremely disappointed.
This is disgraceful and shameful treatment of fans by a reputed football association.
In view of the above I request AFC to kindly refund the money I paid for the tickets.
Please find attached copies of the tickets I purchased from AFC booth in Villagio Mall on 16 November 2011
gulftimes.. good work.. now this took effect, atlast they are CONSIDERING to refund after validation till end of april!!!.
pity is still they maintain, they closed the gate at 18:05, why cant they JUST cant speak the truth and admit the fact!!!
Here are the links for yesterdays (31 Feb 2011) complaint letters in Gulf-Times:
Today's (01 Feb 2011) complaint letters in Gulf-Times:
If you really care about being heard by a larger audiance, take the time to write to every newspaper you know of ... if you live in Qatar then start with Gulf-Times who are doing a great job of publishing letters from all the dissappointed fans who couldn't see the AFC final match despite having purchased and reserved tickets.
They screwed up massively, and are now in full spin mode lying about what they did. Qatar will get a bad image? They fully deserve it for being unable to handle simple crowd control, botching it in all ways possible, and then unleashing riot police on families, children and women and confiscating documentation of the event. They brought this on themselves with the way they conducted themselves. Now, their image would look a lot better if they admitted that things were handled poorly, and vowed to make things better in 2022...but of course that's not the Qatar way. Instead, they continue to spin the PR wheels to make the Asia Cup look like a smashing success and ignore this FUBAR situation. With an attitude like that, they are destined for a complete disaster in 2022, except it will be harder to sweep under the rug like you would suggest.
I was pleasently surprised to find a local news paper (Gulf-Times) had the courage to publish complaint letters from several fans (including mine) in their newspaper today on page 29.
At least one news paper has courage to publish the truth in this country. Keep up the good work Gulf-Times.
Fans locked out of Asian Cup final could get refund
Asian Cup organisers are considering giving a refund to the 700 or so supporters who were locked out of the final despite holding valid tickets because of a heavy security presence.
Fans were still complaining at halftime that they could not enter the Khalifa Stadium on Saturday where the gates were locked 55 minutes before kickoff as part of security measures.
The Qatari Local Organising Committee (QLOC) said yesterday that around 3,000 supporters had been outside the ground before kickoff but only around 700 of them held valid tickets for the final in which Japan beat Australia 1-0 in extra time.
When asked if refunds would be given, QLOC director Jassim al-Romaihi told reporters yesterday: “We will consider that.
“I think they can go to our website and they can protest regarding this, we will discuss this issue also with AFC.
“We were urging everybody to come early to the match, people still continued to come late. Most of the people came with no ticket in their hands, they wanted to enter the stadiums but we did not allow this. Because allowing them into the stadium without a ticket would cause problems.”
Al-Romaihi said they had done everything they could with the security.
“In general I am very happy with what we have done. There are some issues that have been raised and we will consider it as we have a lot of events coming up like the (2022) World Cup.
“We want to have good feedback from everybody who is going to leave the country which is very important for us.”
Meanwhile, Japan has praised Italian coach Alberto Zaccheroni, saying his shrewd and timely use of squad players helped the Blue Samurai lift a record fourth Asian Cup.
Hundreds of fans celebrated in the streets of Tokyo’s all-night hub Shibuya after extra-time substitute Tadanari Lee scored a 109th-minute goal, powering Japan to a 1-0 win over Australia in the final in Doha. Reuters
u ddidnt get my point yani.. if you care at qatar then u shouldn't act like someone stole your favorite things from you.. u shouldn't post this in public u should act in publicity, other expat can read this.. other will get idea that qatar is not deserving for having the world cup award beacause on wat happen on AFC... if your saying u have ur responsibility then u should say that stop this thread this is nonsense.. i have a expat friend she is aussie she told me that read this thread this is a immature and non sense you just posting a thread that will cause bad image in qatar we are there and we didnt get in though we didnt react coz it will just a waste of time.. dont react in public! act at your age.. search for the office of the organizer go their and talk to them not here in public net!
only 700 supporters with tickets my Ar$e.. There were more like 3000. These stupid idiots dont know even how to count?
This is supposed to be an Islamic country. According to Sharia, and binding contract (such as the selling of a ticket for an event) is a serious issue. You have to keep your end of the deal. Yet, there is this simply barbaric and feudal attitude common here that you can simply shirk your end of the deal and cover it up by trying to project an image of magnanimity and hospitality. The Asian cup fiasco is just another example of this general pattern. This can and should change in this culture to make it more Islamic and more just. If you screw up or for whatever reason are not able to keep your end of the contract, then you have to release the other party from their end - by refund or some other just means. Justice is not a matter for negotiation, barter, or face-saving. Basically they are telling the world that if you come here, you can be ripped off and have no rights to redress. I love Qatar and the Qataris. For that reason, it is not the image of Qatar that I care about, but the substance. I don't care that other people think Qatar is a good country - I want it to be a good country. And it is. But some things - like all countries - need to be improved. So why should I care about this one in particular? Because I have chosen to live here, so I have a responsibility to the people I live with. This includes telling them the truth even if they might not like it. That is what good friends and brothers in Islam do.
I hope you kept your tickets. Post photos or scans of them on the Facebook group: "AFC Bump Off".
of course no.. we was there outside.. but wat to do yani? i dont want to act immature, its cheap to act like a child and cry to death as if someone snatch your lollipop.. yea lincoln i agree with you..
@ gandangqatar, this was a dress rehersal for Qatar organizing a major supporting comp since winning the WC2022 and they FAILED majorly. Qatar throughly deserve all the bad press they will gte for this, the final was a shambles to say the least!!
police work at its finest:
Great News!!! They are considering to refund for the ticket.. now fine print: to 700 tickets who where denied entry... 700!!! they missed a Zero!!! what a Zero should they be!!
Gandangqatar!!! you might be the lucky few who got entry inside the stadium without spending a penny!!.. or part of organizing committee in disguise...
If you were also shooed away, alike thousand others yesterday. then you will go down the drain with your idiotic optimistic thinking.
Btw, were you also paid to speak here in support!!. Good for you then.
No, do it like Mubarak: take Qatarliving off the internet.
then it might as well take back the award to QATAR.. u guys dont know what to do.. qatar won for the fifa 2022 but u guys keep on complaining on wat happend in AC 2011.. you guys keep on posting bad issue bout wat happen other expat will read this and they will get dissapointed on this.. its like ur saying bad things to Qatar it was like ur saying that Qatar dont deserve the fifa 2022 coz of the disaster in asian cup 2011.. duh!!! erase this topic!
All in all a very disappointing event. Badly done, Qatar!
are you in Qatar??
WK, was it for the finals?
already wrote to the ticketing officials for their take on the refund.. sceptical even if they would at the least care to reply appropirately. lets c, how they patch up the damage done already. surprisingly none of the international media reported this incident. Bravo.
They could have filled the stadiums with Riot Police... in stead of the laborers... and evacuated themselves when the public arrived...
Is it so difficult to think about?
To fill the stadiums (in the earlier games) they could have used:
1. Riot Police
2. Fire Brigade
3. Army.
They would have been happy to come to watch the match.
The organizers should immediately refund the unused tickets. That is the least they can do now.
Set up the refund counters in the same place where the tickets were sold.
i agree on all your post and comments,, and i guess that's what their theme is all about,, "Expect Amazing" on 2022. hahaha. :(
I was also waiting outside with ticket. If they can't manage even this small crowd especially from asia, wht they can do in 2022.
yes Fubar>>> I can see that in big and BOLD. may be somewhere they MIGHT add "there was a small confusion over the ticket entry" grrrr
There is a duty of care amongst footy fans in Qatar to publicise this - for the sake of the credibility of the 22 award - dont worry - they WILL despatch the services of the numty Indian, Phillipino and Nepali "security" guards for professionals who know how to manage crowds.....
I can just see the headline in the Gulf Times tomorrow morning:
"Asian Cup Final a Huge Success"
And beneath it will be a BS article full of praise for the organisers, telling us how everything was perfect and Qatar has proved it is ready to host 2022.
I am so sorry to hear what happened to your daughter. I hope the burn wasn't too bad, but it disgusts me that this happened to her at all.
yes Qatarisun, thats my fear coming after much of excitement on 2nd Dec 2010. now I am puzzled to expect what Amazement!!!
"My fear now escalates to 2022" .. ha ha ha is that your fear? who cares? let them wallow in shame in front of the whole world.. i would be worried about my spoiled evening, my great disappointment, waste of my time ( i am sure, while jumping in front of the gates, you missed a whole half which you could watch at least on TV), and about my money thrown to garbage.. rather than about WC2022.. :):)
Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lybia, Syria, ....... no, surely not ..................
Many people I know were stranded outside despite having tickets.
But I'm glad this happened, so organizers pay attention and learn a lesson that the way they organized things it's not acceptable any more when hosting an intentional tournament
When I was told of the imminent danger if I left the confines of the stadium area, I asked about the several hundred people who were on the other side of the fence peering in and their chances of surviving the blitz. The response from the police protecting the public "outside not our problem"! I suppose I should be thankful for small mercies.
Congratulations to japan, by the way, brilliant goal to cap a deserved victory. Think I'll watch 2022 from the safety of my own home.
These people must open their eyes and minds to see what happens around here. Things must change, qatar must be liberalised in allways.
Sorry about your experience dorsetrefugee. Hope your daughter recovers soon.
What a horrible evening for you and your family. But you do have a way with words and I was fascinated reading your post just imagining the "authorities" managing things. lol
Really sorry about your experience dorsetrefugee..
As for 15 minutes rule, I have been to matches earlier in the tournament where I showed up 2 minutes before KO and was allowed in so must be a new ruling...
truly sorry to hear this dorsetrefugee!! I only wish we were wrong with our fears reg 2022...
Thats the strange part.. ppl with ticket not allowed. and ppl without ticket were allowed, is it a freaky Friday???
I received a reply to my tweet informing, they had a policy to close the gates prior 15 mins to the kick off!!! I am unsure how many knew this in first place, or where/when was this announcement made!!!. also few of my friends who made half past 17 were denied entry aswell!!
Had the same problem getting in. I had to push staff out of the way because my 6 year old daughter was already inside with friends. Got in and was then told that I couldn't go to my seat where my daughter was even though I could see it and it was empty; again only got http://mobile.afcb.co.uk/runtime/bournemouth/fans-areato my daughter through swearing and pushing.
To compound this ineptitude, after we decided to leave, because we couldn't bear to watch another qatari official be wheeled out and take the focus away from the Japanese victors, we TRIED to leave only to be told that no-one was allowed to leave the stadium area. There were several angry exchanges between the public and the police with no explanation being given for this enforced captivity.
Eventually, after 20 minutes, we were told it was on safety grounds as, became apparent soon after, they were about to turn the outside of the stadium into a WW1 re-enactment. The fireworks completely surrounded the stadium and, as the policeman next to me gleefully observed, would have barbequed us if we'd been allowed to escape. This was after the fully armed an armoured riot police made a human chain to keep us within the ring of fire.
To finish off the night my daughter was hit by stray spark which burnt her arm and burst her balloon, inside the safety zone remember, leaving her inconsolable in the middle of the battle of the somme overhead.
Unbelievable and not surprising in the least. Remind again who has the world cup in 2022. Oh dear god...
Thousands of football fans feel very bad today in qatar.......v r very doubt how this people do fifa wc2022........want 2 change dis people alot......really sad holding ticket and stand out of stadium....
check this CNN iReport
Some Aussies who came all the way from Australia to support their team play were denied entry despite of valid tickets. so they tried to jump over the fence only to be jailed now in Qatar.. i pity them and this would be their last visit to Qatar i am sure..
You are not alone..... Thousands were waited at the gates without knowing what was going on. People were running back and forth hoping to find an answer but to no avail. Sad but it's true. Those without tickets were allowed entry but those with legitimate tickets were turned away. ARghhhhhhhhhhhh......
"What would happen in 2022 when someone comes all the way to Qatar for the games only to find entry ban!!!
Oh thats very simple, there would be a riot.........a big fat bl++dy riot.