Speed Cameras

By timebandit •
I was told the speed cameras down on the Corniche weren't active. And for most of 2010 I think that may have been correct. However I have evidence that as of December they are now working again! Well at least two of them anyway :(
good point Nic, i hope the MODS give that a thought :)
no problem, thanks for your help.
as you were helpful in providing the link, the ,MODS, would certainly do a better job if when they delete posts (claiming they have been posted before), they would provide the relevant link.
Nic, as i remember it right, the pic where i gave you the link was posted 8 times but with a different topic title so i guess that's why the MODS said it was posted 8 times, but i may be wrong i don't know :)
Who is comparing QL search features with Google. It will take QL MODS another four hundred million years to make search feature useful coz they are busy deleting posts. LOL
I personally recommend to see first few pages if you get the info you are looking for. If not ask fellow QLers they are very helpful.
Your nick is 'timebandit' so please pay your fine! :)
You have to admit that the QL search function is quite useless.
You have to guess the title of the post, and with a title like this: "Be careful see NeW RaDaRs on street", you would have to see it when it was published"!
It wouldn’t be too much trouble if the MODS post the link when they delete posts claiming it has been posted!
Thank you.
This post doesn’t seem to be that objective or informative. I wonder why the mods said it has been published 8 times!
Fines are only for expacts, so better be carefull don't race with qatari... :o)
There you go Nic, if SNM can find it ....
I got trapped by mobile Cameras QR1200 of my hard earned money back to the Government of Qatar.
On a serious note. I was speeding I got fined, fair enough. I could not beleive when one of my Qatari colleague saying that most of the Qatar's here in Qatar dont pay fine, as they will will know some one in the Police department and will have the violation removed from the system.
Guess they are right when they say one law for the locals one law for the Expats.
this was the first post regarding those new cameras Nic [i think :p ]
Speaking about speed cameras, there have been a few post recently informing of new radars in Doha, but as soon as these posts are published, the MODS delete them saying that the topic has been posted 8 times before. When I search for the New Speed cameras or Radars I get only post dated in 2007 or 2009.
Can anyone inform us if there are new cameras and where are they?
Also for the MODS: When you delete a post claiming that it has been posted, it would be very useful if you post the link to that previous post.
only during special days are the ones in corniche turned off.
Indeed, if you do the crime, expect the fine! Hey I just came up with a great new slogan for MOI ;)
I would nt risk it... I love ma money ;)
TB though you never speed, the radars should catch you for not speeding and driving at the speed of a Turtle....lol
No sympathy. always stick to the speed limit and assume EVERY camera is active.
where u riding cycle ? http://qatarliving.com/node/1587801
No not me Rizks... I never, never, ever, speed ;)
TB were u caught in those radars ? :(